Hopping From Seat To Seat

Yesterday I somehow managed to strain my left inner thigh which means walking is out of the question.

Perhaps thirty years ago, as featured in https://derrickjknight.com/2013/01/17/im-only-borrowing-it/ I spent a good hour hopping from seat to seat on an Intercity train when I was commuting from Newark to Kings Cross.

The method proved useful once again today. I couldn’t walk, but I could hop from seat to seat around the garden for a photoshoot. So this is what I did.

These images were produced from a seat in the patio;

these from the Wisteria Arbour;

the Gardener’s Rest yielded just two;

then came the decking;

one from the bench at Fiveways;

a good range from the four various viewpoints in the Rose Garden;

two from the concrete patio;

four from the Heligan Path bench;

two from the Westbrook Arbour;

three from the Nottingham Castle bench;

and finally, petunias in a chimney pot on the lawn seen from its own bench. All the other titles will be available from accessing the galleries.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent beef and onion pie; boiled new potatoes; firm carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli, with meaty gravy. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden, Flo and Dillon drank Ribena, and I finished the Côtes-du-Rhône.


  1. You did a lot of hopping about your garden, Derrick your photography is so beautiful! Take it easy Derrick, let that strained leg heal up. Perhaps a hot shower or bath could help. 👍🏻☺️

  2. Seated or standing, you take beautiful photos, Derrick. Too many lovely blooms to choose a favorite, but Fuchsia and shadows caught my eye. I hope your leg is better soon.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your leg! 🙁 I hope it heals soon. Please rest it…a lot.
    Your hopping photos are so unique and beautiful! They make me hoppy…er…happy. 🙂
    I love the shelf duck, the water fountain, the statue girls, the ladybugs, the fuchsia shadows, the honesty seeds, the hose, and the Rudbeckia shadows on eucalyptus! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️

  4. Your adaptations made for some interesting perspectives – closer to the earth. I hope your leg heals soon. Take it easy.

  5. I must buy a bottle of Ribena. I remember drinking the half glasses left by the children when they were running late for school.

    I think you should keep Flo and DIllon if not for any other reason than being helpful gardeners. I need a pair like that. 😉

    Muscles are a problem when aging. My surgeon discovered not only a mildly torn gluteus minimus but 80% of the gluteus maximus from torn or the hip…from bottom to top so it didn’t show in the MRI.

    I have no idea wow I did it, but I would advise against it,

  6. Your photographs are all excellent illustrations of the various vantage points in your garden – a lovely variety of views for your readers. While I appreciate the beautiful blooms – of course – it is the ladybird ornament that truly caught my eye today.

  7. You have my sympathy. I incurred a similar injury by using a leg to push an over-loaded grocery cart around a sharp corner. As I recall, full recovery took about five days; I hope your recovery time is the same, or even less. Your mention of Ribena reminded me that you mentioned the word being turned into ‘ribera.’ I don’t remember if I commented on it at the time, but the mention of ‘ribera’ reminded me of the first verse of the ancient carol, “Riu, Riu, Chiu” —

    Ríu, ríu Chíu, la guarda ribera
    Dios guardó el lobo de nuestra cordera…

  8. I can’t believe you aren’t able to walk, but you still managed to take such gorgeous photos. You are quite resourceful. I hope you are feeling better soon. It’s so hard to be out of commission.

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