Freshened Up

Before lunch I posted

Afterwards Jackie and Dillon transported many of our bags of garden refuse to the recycling centre, just avoiding the heavy shower that descended and

refreshed the garden plants which I later photographed as a weak sun attempted to pierce the cloud cover.

Elizabeth visited bringing some garments for Flo. After a lengthy conversation between all five of us Jackie and my sister collected Mr. Pink’s fish and chips which we ate with pickled onions and cucumbers. Jackie drank Hoegaarden, Elizabeth, Barossa Valley Shiraz, Flo and Dillon, Ribena, and I, La Virile Ferme white wine 2021.


  1. Great title!
    YAY for garden helpers! YAY for rain! Yay for busy buzzy bee! 🐝
    The plants and flowers and trees appreciate all of it and are smiling! πŸ™‚
    Good to see the raindrops on the petals. πŸ™‚
    YAY for family, food, conversation, joy, and memories made! πŸ™‚
    PS…you know I love seeing the owls! πŸ¦‰
    PPS…The people who think the sunshine is what brings the joy have never danced in the rain!

  2. Another beautiful post of your phenomenal garden, {{{Derrick}}} – I am especially fond of the fuchsias. We used to have them in our yard when we lived in San Mateo (in the San Francisco Bay area). Can’t grow them here in Montana. Yours are so beautiful!!

  3. So beautiful. I saw a garden the other night on an old Midsomer Murders and thought how much I would love an English garden like yours and Jackie’s. Ours is nice, but it’s not the same because of the desert climate. The delicate beauties love the rain and mist.

      1. Yes, I’ve heard about your horrific heat. As hot as it is here in some cases, but undoubtedly more humid (for the most part) and without the infrastructure in place to handle it.

  4. More rain? How lovely for the garden. You chose well with the pelargoniums for your header image.

    On the Reader – When using VISIT to view your site I was unable to click LIKE and was expected to go through the long-winded logging-in process again just like the other sites we’ve had problems with! So I came out of it and clicked the sample text extract on the Reader instead of Visit, I was able to comment and click LIKE.

    1. What a palaver. I’ll try that system of by-passing Visit. What annoys me almost as much is that when I have put in all my details for the umpteenth time I then have to type my password again. It really requires a lot of effort to comment. I appreciate it, Sue.

  5. I just spent two and a half hours with a WordPress happiness engineer! s/he was very helpful but my head is throbbing, I need a lie-down! I will attempt the solutions to the login problems and will let you know.

  6. The garden is back to its glorious self and your home is filled with family and friends – what could be better?

  7. A little rain makes such a difference, doesn’t it? We had some showers last night, and the air this morning was just wonderful – cool and fresh.

  8. I am glad you got some rain to freshen things up. The flowers look beautiful!

    It was 90 degrees, hot and hazy here yesterday, with an overcast night. It only cooled down to 64 degrees by morning. There is a chance of rain here this morning, though I suspect it will rain east of us up in the mountains.

  9. Derrick, I’ve just watched some footage of flooding in southern England. You can’t seem to catch a break this summer. I hope you’ve avoided the flash flooding. My heart goes out to you.

  10. Have I already mentioned how much I like pickled onions? Now you have me wanted to go out to one of our nearby restaurants that serves them with a shrimp bowl!

  11. Gorgeous. The flowers are blooming beautiful.
    Tomorrow I plan to be in the front garden. The back garden is unacceptable by wheelchair. An obstetrical we plan to correct in the next few days.

  12. We are rarely completely happy with the “weather” and it’s a topic that goes into many conversations when we dearly don’t want to talk about said topic!

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