Lingering Scarecrows

This afternoon Flo, Dillon, and Ellie needed to return to the hospital for a final check. Becky and Ian drove them there.

Before they departed I photographed our grandson-in-law with his 25 hour old daughter Ellie. Despite having slept very little over the last 36 hours Dillon was setting off back to the Princess Anne’s Hospital.

Jackie and I went for a forest drive.

Log piles alongside the road just outside Ripley

were earmarked presumably for buyers.

As we approached Bisterne on the Ringwood Road we fell behind a steam traction engine. Eventually Jackie managed to pass it and drive further up the road

in order for me to disembark and lie in wait for the slow moving vehicle. A white jet plane’s trail crossed the steam clouds emanating from the chimney from an earlier age.

For reasons of various more pressing priorities we had missed the annual Bisterne Scarecrow tour this year, but further along the road we enjoyed two of the lingering competitors:

the Very Hungry Caterpillar,

and Ham Sweet Ham.

Tess visited with Poppy to meet Ellie and her parents, bringing a splendid bouquet of flowers and various other presents.

They were unable to stay for this evening’s Ashley’s fish and chips and Garner’s pickled onions, with which I drank more of the Bordeaux; Ian drank Morreti beer; Dillon, cider; and Flo Fruit cordial.


  1. I love Ellie’s full name.
    This is such a special time for you all. Again I send my warmest congratulations to each of you. 🙂

  2. I finally accessed my blog on WordPress and your post today is my first one I’ve commented on on a readable screen! I was especially impressed with the steam tractor photos. It amazes me that machines that huge were used in agriculture or that ordinary farmers had the financial means to own such monsters. It must have been scary business for horses and other livestock to hear and see these machines in the early days!

  3. Yep, that’s a precious photo of Ellie and her dad. Holding a baby close activates the attachment helping hormones in dads, too. I like that giant caterpillar.

  4. As the saying goes, you hit the trifecta today: beautiful father and daughter photo, a terrific caterpillar, and a wonderful bit of history. The smile on the face of the guy driving the steam contraption says it all.

  5. After all the excitement of the new arrival, I sense there is a shaking down and a subtle return to normal. I loved the steam traction engine!

  6. Good to see you are continuing with your own lives regardless of the delight of a new baby in the house 🙂 It is so lovely to see that Flo has somewhere in which to be held in the embrace of family at this turning point in her and Dillon’s life, and even though it will cost you some sleep, you and Jackie must be thrilled to be in a position to offer them all sanctuary.

  7. My heart may have melted when I saw that photo of Dillon and his precious daughter.

    I wish you had made a sound recording of that steam contarption, that is, if it is the same sound I recall from my childhood. They are slow, powerful machines.

    Oh, crikey, I just remembered that my dad was a stoker in the Canadian navy, in WWI, and then a fireman on the railway afterwards. He would have been able to tell me how heavy that coal was to shovel into the hungry fire.

  8. A wonderful shot of Dillon with dear little Ellie. I’m glad you didn’t miss all the scarecrow displays; they are so clever! Before you know it, Ellie will be enjoying those fantastic scarecrows right along with you!

  9. I had wanted to ask how it came to be that Flo was staying with you, but didn’t want to admit in the midst of busy here I lost the thread of the story! So now it all is revealed, and congratulations on a healthy new great-grandbaby

  10. Such wonderful photos of your countryside–lingering scarecrows (isn’t it a scarecrow’s job to linger?) and engine, but the photo of Dillon and Ellie beats them all. That’s one for him to have framed.

  11. Hi Derrick, gosh, you don’t stay in the hospital for long in the UK when you have a baby. I stayed in for three days with both of mine (reluctantly with the second I might add). A delightful picture of the baby and your grandson-in-law.

  12. Oh, my goodness, the photo of precious Ellie and her loving, exhausted Dad brought tears to my eyes. Thank you (and Dillon and Flo) for sharing such a special moment.

    Someone must get Ellie the following 3 books: “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” “The Three Little Pigs,” and “Thomas the Tank Engine.” And they must tuck a copy of this blog inside of it for her to read when she is older.

    So much love and best wishes going out to all of you. xoxo

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