Orchard Lakes

Readers of this morning’s earlier post will not be surprised to learn that, despite having sensibly skipped lunch, no further sustenance was needed until 

today’s brunch taken at Lakeview Café. All tasty items in these generous platefuls were provided by the nearby Ferndene Farm Shop. Jackie, who photographed them has one each of tomatoes, bacon rashers, sausages, hash browns, and portions of mushrooms and baked beans. I enjoyed two of everything. Also included in the set meals were slices of toast and large mugs of tea, for me, and coffee for Jackie.

From the café we could see 

the lakes with their still, silent, fishermen, and one old dog which heaved itself to its feet and mustered the energy to bark at me.

Strategically placed lifebelts were hung on a number of posts.

Before returning home we took a turn round Bisterne Close where 

a squirrel sat on the tarmac finishing its own brunch, and

a number of ponies took theirs in the woodland.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome chicken and vegetable stewp and fresh bread and butter.


  1. Delicious looking plates of food, good looking equines in the woods. Interesting long poles set on raised bi-pods at the fishing lake. What are they for? (Looks like the fishermen have lots of gear on the bank next to them.)

  2. Well, you’ve gone from whetting my appetite with scones, clotted cream and jam to a full on English! I’m expecting tomorrow to bring a watering supper!

      1. Haha, I think my fingers have difficulty synchronising with my brain! My mind merrily skips along to the next word, but the typing lags behind!

  3. Good morning Derrick, it’s still raining here Geelong, but me and Frankie managed to go for our walkies in the rain … Your photo of the 2 ponies in the woodland captured my attention and I’ve filed it in my “Derrick Folder” …

  4. I like the photo of the strategically placed lifebelts. We call them life preservers here, but lifebelt makes more sense. I hope the pony with the ribs showing is getting enough to eat. Maybe he or she is just thin from old age.

  5. Oh that meal looks amazing. I would get two of everything too! But I’m with Jackie on the coffee. Are those insanely long fishing poles mounted on stands beside the fishers?

  6. Yeowza! 😮 Looks amazing and delicious and so much! 😋 I’d have to take most of it home for another meal! 🙂
    What beautiful faces…and tails…posed for you today! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️

  7. My goodness, Derrick, you can certainly put it away. Your meals do look fabulous. So interesting that the fishermen let you know they were not to be disturbed without saying a word.

    1. Thank you very much, Uma. You know I am struggling with WP – this one took several hours, so I am pleased you liked the photos that were so difficult to get accepted

  8. A wonderful brunch, too!

    That one pony looks pretty thin, but forage was sparse with the heat, and his back looks a bit sway. He may be an old horse.

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