Early this morning I watched an ITV recording of the Women’s Rugby World Cup match between Wales and Scotland.
I have been feeling rather groggy today, so it was quite late this afternoon by the time we took a short drive into the forest, where we noticed many ponies with trimmed tails, and, because I couldn’t face the currently usual lengthy struggle with WordPress,
I made just one new photograph to link with some previously published examples found in https://derrickjknight.com/2016/09/14/after-the-drift/
This evening we dined on Mr. Chan’s excellent Hordle Chinese Take Away fare with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Pierre Jaurant Edition Limitée Merlot – Cabernet Sauvignon 2020
At least you were able to consume your Chinese nosh…Photographs of horses are, usually, as good to observe as those of trees, birds, dogs, and other wonders of nature, so thank you.
Much appreciated, Joy
I hope you feel better soon, Derrick. 👍🏻
Fine today, John. Thanks very much
That’s good news, have a great week!
It’s the time of the year when many of us feel ‘blue’ or groggy. It’s cold outside, it gets dark too early and the sun seems to sleep in as well. We want to hibernate like bears, but are doomed to make it through fall and winter. 🙂
Thanks very much, Bridget
Hopefully, your excellent meal was able to perk you up a bit.
Yes. I’m fine today, Liz. Thank you very much
I’m glad to hear it, Derrick.
I hope you’re feeling better soon and that your enjoyed your takeaway!
Thanks very much, Nikki. I am fine today
Oh Derrick, sometimes we simply have to take days literally one step (or snooze?) at a time. Your picture is a lovely one and I am glad you both enjoyed a takeaway meal – I didn’t cook today either: there were enough leftovers in the fridge!
Thanks very much, Anne. I’m not very good at that 🙂 We will be having yesterday’s left-overs tonight.
Presumably, it’s the owners who trim the horses’ tails?
This is where it’s done, John: https://derrickjknight.com/2016/08/30/the-drift/ Thanks very much
Thanks a lot, Derrick. The New Forest Cowboys.
Never fear resting. (Telling myself as well as you at the same time). Hope you are back to yourself by tomorrow, Derrick.
I am, Luanne. Thank you very much 🙂
Sorry to hear that you’re still struggling with WP
Thanks very much, Sheree. WP much better today than it has been for quite a while
Glad to hear
I hope you feel better, Derrick.
I am curious: who and why trims ponies’ tails?
It’s part of the grooming process and usually carried out during the health checks and worming. Our sheep used to help out with grooming, they regularly chewed the horse’s tails!
I am fine today, Dolly. This post will add to Sue’s explanation https://derrickjknight.com/2016/08/30/the-drift/
Sorry you’re groggy and WP the s not yet playing nicely.
Both better this morning, Pat. Thank you very much
Good to hear. 👍
I get like that shortly after covid vax top ups. Just staying awake can be a most annoying symptom.
It’s a beautiful solo horse photo.
Thanks very much, Chrissy. Maybe that was it. I’m fine this morning
The link you provided to the previous post is currently out of action it reads 403 Forbidden.
Makes a change from 404 page not found!
I’m assuming it’s part of the batch already transferred to the new site.
Hope you feel a little better.
Thanks very much, Sue. Lavinia explains the problem and I have taken out the period. I’m fine this morning, and I hope you are
I loved the phrase Forbidden 403, sounds like a children’s book. I wonder where the link actually led to.
We sometimes get pingbacks that don’t work, an extra bit tagged on to the end that none of us noticed.
Well done to eagle-eyed Lavinia.
PS. I’m glad you’re feeling a lot better this morning.
I’m not back to normal but I feel better than I was yesterday.
Wishing you well XX
Thank you, xx
I hope you are feeling better by now. But, please keep resting as you need to.
UGHS on the WP troubles continuing. 🙁
Your new photo is absolutely beautiful!
Your title reminds me…I need to get my hair trimmed!
(((HUGS))) ❤️
PS…I clicked on the link and it took me to a page saying “403 Forbidden nginx”.
Thanks very much, Carolyn. Lavinia explained the problem with the link and I have taken out the period. X
Sometimes we need to listen to our body and rest. Take care of yourself, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Jill
Sometimes a rest is critical, sometimes just needed a bit, and sometimes it just feels good. Enjoy it, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Maj
I expect it is the WP troubles that are causing the grogginess. Dealing with tech companies always makes me feel groggy.
Cheers, Tootlepedal
I hope you are feeling less groggier today Derrick, and those continuing battles with WP must be quite tiresome my friend …
Thanks very much, Ivor. Fine this morning
Good news 🤗
I agree that computer/tech issues can be draining. Sometimes we just need to rest. Thanks for today’s lovely photo. I like the soft colors and textures. The grass looks like carpet.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
That horse looks badly in need of a hairdresser for his tail!
She does
When I tried to follow your link to your other horses, I just got a FORBIDDEN notice.
There is a period at the end of the hyperlink that seems like it got included. Hand select and don’t include the period at the end of the hyperlink.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. I’ve taken out the period
Sorry, Judy. Following Lavinia’s explanation I have taken out the period. Thank you very much.
Now I’m wondering if having their tails trimmed gives the horses a bit of a lift. I always feel better after a haircut!
Now you are making me wish I had included the tail lift to release a stream of pee. Thanks very much, Linda
I hope you are okay now Derrick.
I am, thanks very much, Arlene
Welcome Derrick!
Hope you feel better, Derrick. You come before WP.
Thanks very much, Lavinia. I am fine today
That’s a pretty funky tail-cut the horse sports.
I do hope you are feeling better today.
Fine today thanks a lot, Yvonne
I’m pleased to hear you’re feeling better now, Derrick. Take good care x
Thank you very much, Sandra X
Hope the problem with WP will be resolved soon Derrick. Good day!
Thank you very much, Rupali. WP seems rather better today. The proof will come when I attempt to post
I’m glad you’re feeling better now, and I hope your WP problems get resolved soon.
Trimmed for winter? Wish WordPress would get its act together. Such a wonderful community of bloggers and, until recently, simple and easy to use. What the heck!
I’m glad to hear you are feeling better, Derrick, and I hope your WP problems get resolved soon.
Glad you feel better now, Derrick.
In friendship
Thanks very much, Michel my friend
Word Press does seem to be making things difficult for many these days. I wish these computer experts would just leave well enough alone. There’s nothing worse than an upgrade or update.
Quite so, AnneMarie. Thank you very much
Still having issues with WP? A walk into the nature sometimes is the best remedy to everything ☺️
Yes. The problems continue. Thanks very much, Ribana