Three Ponies For A Pound

After lunch today, with, as usual, SueW’s help, I recovered the pictures to the following posts:

This afternoon Jackie and I took a forest drive.

When I photographed these grasses in and the log teepee beside a section of Hatchet Pond that I had often photographed before I had not realised that I was about to learn that this was known as Little Hatchet.

Approaching a larger area of the lake I noticed sky borne evidence that a woman was tossing food for gulls

and a pair of swans who she told me were Norman and Nancy, who normally had their home in Little Hatchet, where Flo and I had photographed them with their cygnets on 27th May.

Each year they chased the other Cygnus family away from this section, where I had photographed them before Christmas, and took possession of the spot in case they would like to move home.

We drove on to Furzey Lane where Jackie noticed, and photographed, that the thatcher’s donkey on a rooftop had provided even more material for nesting birds.

She also focused on the landscape into which the avians had probably carried their stolen straw.

Nearby stands the Furzey Lodge Pound, which we have never before seen occupied.

Today there were three residents.

This evening we all dined on perfect pork chops with mustard sauce and almond topping; sautéed new potatoes and leeks; roast sweet potatoes and mushrooms; crunchy carrots, and tender green beans, with tasty gravy. I drank more of Gran Selone and no-one else did.


  1. I agree with GP, thank you for the recovered posts and today’s post, Derrick! Great animal photos. ❤️🇬🇧❤️

  2. Beautiful photos. I particularly like the woman feeding the gulls.
    That is so interesting about the swans–to have that pair and their behavior identified.
    Is the pound where captured horses are taken?

    1. Thanks very much, Merril. I imagine these are lost and waiting to be found. They are all owned but free and usually stay in their familiar areas

  3. Every time I see ponies close together in an enclosure, I’m reminded of Willam Faulkner’s novella Spotted Horses. The photo at the top of this post is my favorite for composition. Jackie’s sunset with fence is my favorite for beauty.

    1. It is the thatcher’s trademark. Some buy them from specialist firms. Thanks very much, Linda

    1. The ponies are not tagged, but generally stay in their own area. I imagine these have got themselves lost, Ivor. Thanks a lot

  4. Creative title!!! 🙂 Wonderful fascinating photos! I especially love Jackie’s photo-offerings! 🙂

    Also, wowza on the birds in action, the teepee, and oh, those equine eyes! 🙂

    Why do ponies have to be pound-ed?!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️

    1. Thank you very much from us both, Carolyn. I’m pleased the title worked. I imagine the pound works like a dog pound – a place for lost animals while owners are sought. X

  5. Beautiful swans and shaggy ponies! I’ve never seen anything like the thatcher’s donkey on the rooftop. I have seen teepee like structures in parks and forests, though did not realize they were for wildlife. Fairies might also use them in a pinch. 🙂

  6. I love the forest drive photos with all the furry and feathered residents, Derrick. The thatcher’s donkey was a nice catch, Jackie!

    Why were the three ponies impounded? I am missing something here.

    1. Thanks very much, from us both, Lavinia. I imagine the pound works like a dog pound – a place for lost animals while owners are sought.

  7. What an interesting outing. I love the pony images.

    I do hope someone replaces the straw in the thatched donkey, these creations are fascinating to see. I can understand why netting is applied atop of thatched roofs.

    1. Thank you very much, Sue. I thought you might be interested to know that my own posts now appear on my reader.

      1. That is such good news, Derrick.
        We’re almost there aren’t we, and then what will we do for technical challenges to tax our brains?

  8. So many interesting bits in this post. I’m glad the photos were recovered. I think I like the pics of the seagulls best because of the way the light is hitting them. And the swans too. And all the new things you saw and learned. I would have helped you with the Gran Selone. ;o)

  9. Derrick, could you explain why this place is called Pound? I even Googled it and found no explanation. To us here a pound is where feral animals are taken to be “put to sleep,” as they call it.

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