This morning Becky drove Dillon and his family to Heathrow to see him safely off to America for the next month. All went smoothly and the ladies returned with Ellie early this evening.
After lunch, Jackie took me on a forest drive.
Ponies stood out in a distant hazy landscape on yet another shirt-sleeves mild afternoon.
At Puttles Bridge I passed a pile of sawn limbs from a recently fallen tree,
and followed a family of cyclists approaching the bridge.
Rippling, fast running, Ober Water had filled somewhat since our last visit.
Oak leaves gathered among exposed tree roots and swept along a surface clear enough to see the river bed.
Just one cluster of mushrooms was visible.
The dried pool beside South Weirs Telephone Box was reappearing, and had tempted ponies to come for their lunch
alongside neighbouring houses.
This evening we all dined on succulent roast chicken; crisp Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes; firm carrots, cauliflower and broccoli, with meaty gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Santa Julia, Reserve, 2020.
All very homely and desirable, and good horsey pictures. Cheers.
Thanks very much, Joy
Watching leaves being carried along by a stream is very enjoyable experience, to my way of thinking.
Mine, too, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I wonder if, with the 400% increase in fuel bills for some of us, people will start to help themselves to the free wood in the forest, such as there was at Puttles Bridge. And would it be illegal if they did?
It would be illegal, but I imagine it will be done, John. Thanks very much
Lovely photos today, Derrick. Thanks for sharing.
Much appreciated, Jill
Always fun to see mushrooms, and the floating leaves on the clear water is a wonderful image of fall. Hope Dillion gets back as soon as possible. Has to be hard on him being away from his family!
Thanks very much, Maj, especially for understanding Dillon’s feelings.
A most enjoyable set of pictures today Derrick.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Your mention of the Ober Water brought to mind Derwent Water. I’ve never thought much about such expressions, but now it occurs to me to ask: is this a British way of describing particular bodies or kinds of water? Or does it give the name of a nearby town or region to a river or lake ? While I was digging around, I found this lovely poem by a poet I’d never heard of: Bryan Waller Proctor ( 1787 – 1874). Who knows how Derwent Water got stuck in my mind — probably thanks to my British lit classes.
The Water does refer to a particular body of water. Derwent Water is easier to understand. Ober, not so, maybe because it originates in the bogs near the village of Burley? Thanks very much, Linda
Nice to see the water return. Lovely pictures.
Thanks very much, Pat
Nice to see the water return. Lovely pictures.
Good luck to Dillon. Lovely photos, especially the oak leaves floating on the current.
Thanks very much, Laurie
I recognized Ober Water right away. It’s good to see the water flowing deeper for the ponies and the leaves. The roots are always interesting – hints of a vast underground system.
I always put those in for you, JoAnna. Thank you very much
Thank you so much!
Thank you for taking me to the forest with your photos 😊 I an glad problems with uploading photos has been solved.
Unfortunately it is still hit and miss – several hours for this one. Thanks very much, Lakshmi
Today’s photographs suggest tranquility and a subtle change of pace.
Thank you very much, Anne
It all looks very autumnal
Thanks very much, Sheree, but unseasonably warm
Same as us though without the look of autumn
Your photos are so artistic! I especially like all the autumn you captured! And, oh, those leaves taking a ride in the river are so beautiful…they look like gold “coins” in a “wishing well” of water. 🙂
All my best to Dillon, Flo, and Ellie over the next month. Hope all goes well, safe, healthy, and good on both ends.
(((HUGS))) ❤️
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Beautiful photos. It’s funny when the weather is warm, but the sky and light is autumn. The red phone certainly stands our. Like others, I like the leaves. It will be a long month for Dillon–and for his family missing him.
Thank you very much for these insightful comments, Merril
You’re very welcome, Derrick.
A wonderful pony and forest post, Derrick! Thank you.
Much appreciated, GP
I am so happy, Derrick, to see Ober Water happily flowing again. You had a dry spell there for awhile. The ponies look much happier today! I bet you are too … having no trouble posting new photos now. That’s great!
Thanks very much, Jan. The photos problem remains hit and miss. This set took several hours
Where are they going in America? Have you ever been there?
No. Ultimately Dillion will be going to complete final arrangements for moving to UK, once he has collected his visa.
A very relaxing drive!
Thanks very much, Dwight
You are welcome!
I love the photo of the leaves being carried by the stream and I always adore the photos of the ponies.
Thank you very much, Eugi
Where here was he headed? Hope his time here is productive and not too lonely.
To collect his visa and passport and carry out tasks re hour in Kentucky. He and Flo will be daily on FaceTime. Thanks very much Elizabeth.
Damp and delightful. Thank you Derrick 🧡
Much appreciated, Val X
The fall forest photos are beautiful Derrick. I am glad your drought is over. The grass is looking nice and green now. You have not had a freeze yet? We had a light freeze in some parts of the farm this morning.
No sign of a freeze here, Lavinia. Thanks very much
I like the dreamy forest photos, but the hazy landscape with ponies is the best.
Thank you so much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
The forest drives are the best 😉
Thanks very much, Ribana