The Way To The Church

After buying provisions from Ferndene Farm Shop this afternoon Jackie and I took a forest drive while Becky and Flo, taking Ellie with them, shopped elsewhere.

On the way up Lyndhurst Road outside Burley, Jackie managed to park the Modus allowing me to walk down

the soggy verge with my camera.

I had been attracted by the moss-carpeted roof opposite the bright red cones which had not prevented a number of heavy vehicles from gouging tracks in the mud with their outsize wheels.

Over the years, we have watched the gradual disintegration of this stump still functioning as a direction indicator to the church, provided you understand that you need to take the next right turn rather than carry straight on up the hill. Observant drivers will notice that that right turn is signed Church Lane.

As I approached a trio of Highland Cattle on Wootton Common one of them bravely ran away and stared me out from a safe distance.

This evening we dined on tender roast leg of lamb; crisp roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; firm cauliflower; crunchy carrots; piquant cauliflower cheese; and meaty gravy. Jackie drank more of the Cabernet Sauvignon, Becky drank Diet Pepsi, and I drank Mendoza Malbec 2020.


  1. I love your woodlands photos, Derrick, would the moss-covered roof leak? I’ve never seen a roof completely covered like that. Have a great weekend, guys. ☺️

  2. Everything looks soggy except the highland cattle. Perhaps they are too. It’s difficult to tell in the photos.

    Is the cauliflower cheese put on the cauliflower or all over the meal? I used to make a cauliflower cheese sauce when the kids were little. It was the only way they would eat broccoli and cauliflower.

  3. I’ve never seen a moss-covered roof, although there are at least a couple of roofs around here that have been designed to be covered with grasses and flowers. What we do see are barns and such covered with Kudzu: a southern plant/vine also known as The Plant That Hopes to Take Over the World.

    1. I have seen it growing in Kentucky, way back when, with my own eyes. πŸ™‚ I think a number of places have a kudzu festival of some kind, and crown a Kudzu Queen.

  4. Love the leafy carpet…and the mossy roof! Nature is decorating again! πŸ˜‰
    The history of the Church sign is interesting!
    What great photos of such impressive bovine! Handsome hardy Highland hunks! Ha! πŸ™‚
    (((HUGS))) πŸ™‚

  5. Beautiful pictures make you feel you want to be there. I like the innocent look of the cattle wondering at the strangers. Humans must be looking like strange creatures to them!

  6. Those are moody, well framed shots of the woodland. Turning roads always make for interesting pictures. The mossy roof is an ecological and aesthetic marvel. The highland cattle seems to be weighing its chances against a possible encounter with the photographer.

  7. I recognize the narrow English roadsChaamp of hops bordered by high hedges. Not always funny mainly when you meet an enormous bus; It was in the Kent, I wanted to see a hop field. Never been able to see them because of the high hedges!!! πŸ™‚ But this same day we found a vineyard with production of wine.
    In friendship

  8. Hello Derrick
    It’s been a long time since I’ve been there, but I still love your images that I like so much, so I walk around at the same time to, like you, dwell on small details
    ps; I hope that the cure of the Church does not lose too many flocks πŸ˜€

  9. The photo of the highland cow is gorgeous. What an animal. Naturally, you would have noticed that the name of the road is Church Lane. It’s as helpful a clue as the sign! I think the moss on the roof is appealing, and when it begins to thicken on my roof I am tempted to let it grow for the looks. But sadly, I climb up there once a year and scrape it all off. Too bad moss has to be damaging.

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