
The recent heavy rains have suddenly filled the drought-dried lake at Pilley. This prompted me to circumperambulate it on our forest drive this morning.

Fresh autumn leaves floated among rippling reflections or

broken limbs from their trees,

or lay visible on the shallow bed;

Mallards, glimpsed through overhanging lichen covered branches and their lingering foliage, have reclaimed their natural habitat.

Some of the leaves cluster among mini mushrooms between mossy or

exposed roots and bark flakes from fallen trees on the water-lapped banks.

This evening Jackie and I joined Shelly, Ron, Helen, and Bill at Fordingbridge for the latter couple’s church fundraising quiz night. Helen provided sandwiches, mince, pies, gala pie, crisps, salad and wine; Ron brought beer. We had a very enjoyable time with good natured competition, at which we came third.

On our journey home the steady rain accompanying our outward trip had developed into a deluge, in which the rhythmic whirring of our windscreen wipers could not clear the shield of raindrops that became twinkling stars above parallel columns of light stretched along the tarmac before the headlights of each oncoming vehicle, while our own beams illuminated the fanned curtains of spray thrown up by our wheels from pools across the road to rival the swollen lake seen this morning.


      1. Aha! A pork pie with a hardboiled egg in the middle! How could I not have known? Every once in a while a British term escapes me in spite of English lit! Thanks for the definition.

  1. I love the dark images of rainy day reflections on water. You have captured some very artistic ones, too! Your vivid and magical description of rain on the windshield as a delightful ending to your post.

  2. Are the ponds regaining their normal pool elevations with all your recent deluges? Hope so, and the reflection shots are again most enjoyable to appreciate. Normally mushrooms do not inspire the adjective “cute”. The ones you have captured, do, however deserve that term.

  3. A heady beginning in the upside-down watery world of reflections and ending with the beautiful description of the rain on your way home in an upright watery world! It is a very long time since my windscreen wipers have had to battle so ineffectually. My mother used to make gala pie – I haven’t heard of one for a long time.

  4. Your photos remind me of a few specific paintings by several painters…Monet, Mato Gereci, William Merritt Chase are a few that immediately come to my mind. Once again, nature creates and you capture! Such artistry, Derrick! ๐Ÿ™‚
    (((HUGS))) ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS…circumperambulate…what a great word! ๐Ÿ™‚
    And your description of the journey home is poetic! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. The reflections in the lake are beautiful, and how lovely to have lake full again.

    Despite the almost continuous rain during the past weeks the reservoirs here are still too low for the time of year. Yorkshire Water is cautious and the hosepipe ban remains in place.

    Iโ€™m glad you had had a good evening.

  6. I’m lost in a world of gala pie. We haven’t had any since before lockdown when we stopped doing our own shopping, as I don’t trust the pickers that pack our groceries to select good pieces. As a result of your blog I am going to buy a whole pie fro Christmas.

    The watery reflections are great, but gala pie drove them from my mind . . .

  7. A truly beautiful set of water photos. I love number 3, and my favourite is 7, with the oak leaves visible beneath the water. Your perspective is so often new and interesting to me, and that is how the scenes of your home can be familiar, but always a reason to come back.

  8. Gorgeous photos and ten points for circumperambulate, which WP thinks is an error. Your quiz night sounds fun, but the ride home sounds scary, even though you describe it in your best nineteenth-century novelist voice (if they had cars).

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