I have just discovered that the apparently random line of text that now appears beneath the heading of my posts – “Do you have favourite place to visit? Where is it?” is today’s gem – is my today’s prompt. I ask you?
On another cold yet bright and frost free day, while Jackie, Flo and Dillon purchased a Christmas tree from Ferndene Farm Shop, I enjoyed couple of walks around the garden. There was just a small window of light between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun sent its beams from high enough in the sky to cast glitter and shadows across our plot. My second foray was undertaken after I had allowed time for solar movement.

Shadows of geraniums and window frames were cast on the kitchen curtains.

Chair backs left their prints across the various paths,

along which Phoebus picked his way;

Beautiful detections, Derrick.
Thanks very much, GP
Still plenty to enjoy in the garden even in winter
Yes. Thanks very much, Sheree
I saw the new addition when I went to post yesterday. I doubt if we all need to be prompted but I guess there are those who do. 🙂 I’ve also discovered that the number of bloggers blogging has dwindled and find myself seeking out new bloggers. I guess I’m one of those blogging less but in 2023 I’m determined to set aside some time to write.
Your garden is beginning to look more Autumn-ish. Still pretty.
Thank you so much, Chrissy. I’m sure some appreciate it, but it is irritating all the same – no big deal
I do like the work with shadows.
Looks like a peaceful retreat Derrick.
Thanks very much, Cindy
Shadows do make for most interesting images, Derrick. I have enjoying grabbing vegetation shadows on window coverings, and really appreciate your first photo! A great capture.
Thank you so much, Maj
You had some good sun today! We were gray all the way.
Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Yes, I was a bit offended to find that WP thought that I needed a daily prompt to get me motivated. (Your header picture does not appear in my reader today.)
Thanks a lot. Tootlepedal
I think we may be in for a change in the weather tomorrow. Tonight it is brilliant moonlight, and feels absolutely freezing cold. At the very least, tomorrow should reveal a deep frost and a lot of very slippery surfaces underfoot.
Thanks a lot, John. Keep upright
Your final photo, the Weeping Birch, looked very distinguished, Derrick
Thanks very much, Ivor
That first photo is lovely! And such beautiful light and shadows patterns…and such beautiful textures…come through in your photos! 🙂
Love the shiny glowy owl watching over the garden!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…I didn’t even notice the “daily prompt” until you mentioned it. I have many places I like to visit…world-wide…hard to pick one fave place. But, we have a gardeny-park place within walking distance of our home…we like to walk Coop there and we all enjoy the grass, trees, flowers, plants, etc. Especially at night…so quiet and so peaceful. 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Delightful tour of sunlit garden paths.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Your garden is beautiful and wintry–not in the sense of snow, but in the sense of being deep into fall. Interesting that WP makes it so hard to post with the new format and then feels it has to prompt us…
Thanks a lot, Lisa. I sometimes wonder what they think of us
I too have started getting those WordPress prompts. Therefore, thank you for the nudge to do something with them. As always I enjoy the garden tours
The nudge is entirely WP’s. Thanks very much, msw
So glad you had a chance to take advantage of the light and be outside for a while. We had a rather dreary day in this corner of the world. It didn’t rain, but the sun stayed behind clouds for the entire day.
Thank you very much, Anna
Delightful observations! Florence seems to be enjoying the light, too. I’m trying to figure out what she’s standing on or maybe something in front of her feet.
Plant pots around her feet, JoAnna. Thanks very much.
Ah! Wonderful!
No prompts for me as I still use the classic version of WP – found the block system far too frustrating to battle with! I enjoy your first photograph especially, now it could serve as an interesting prompt for a poem or a short story for there is a lot to explore in it!
Thank you very much, Anne. I’m pleased you saw all that
Sunlight and shadows or reflections on water are among the best subjects for photography or art.
Agreed, Nicki. Thank you very much
Winter sunlight is the most beautiful. Angled and soft, and so few hours of it. It is precious.
Favorite place to visit? There are so many, but in recent years, it is the Oregon coastline. I grew up on the Atlantic seaboard. The Pacific, she is a wild one, too, but quite different in mood and character than her Atlantic sister.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Nice captures and Lovely light. It is hard to maintain a place which is so far away but still my favourite place to visit is my home in India 😊.
Thank you very much, Rupali. Fully understood
These are gorgeous shots, Derrick. It certainly brightened a dreary couple of days!
Beautiful photos of light and shadow, Derrick.
Those random questions are so weird. It just occurred to me the other day that they might be prompts. 🙂
Today I got “Do you ever see wild animals?” 🙂 Thanks very much, Merril
These shots are great!
Your days are even shorter than ours are. Nice series of photos as you took advantage of what sun you had. I especially like the little owl perched on the arbor.
Thank you very much, Laurie. That was Jackie’s favourite
Beautiful and intriguing photos, Derrick. You have a keen eye for detail.
Thank you so much, Eugi
Most welcome, Derrick.
Favorite place I would like to visit for now is S. Korea, of course, and secondly, UK, to get warmed!? Shadows of geranium cast on the kitchen curtain is especially eye-catching.
Thank you very much, Byung
I am in love with the first photo.
Thank you very much, Eunice
You are welcome.
I agree, those prompts are annoying.
Thanks very much, Lindsey
I too was surprised to see the question. I think this may have something to do with the WP purchase of the DAY ONE electronic journal last year.
I’ve used the journal for about seven years. Each new page of the journal used to begin with a quote. I liked that because I could copy and paste to a list for possible use on the blog.
Then it started offering questions/ideas instead. This annoyed me because my journal is about me and my life, I don’t need anyone else’s ideas. I had hoped it would cease this annoying practice after the purchase by WP. But unfortunately it looks as though WP has adopted the practice for our blog pages. Personally, I think it is intruding upon the space I am paying for.
I just delete it. They have a nerve to be so patronising. Thanks a lot, Sue
Your garden is still beautiful even in winter time! Gorgeous!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Beautiful sunny day makes your garden welcoming despite of the winter season.
Thank you very much, Alexander
I too get those questions 😊 Shadows are fascinating and lovely photos.
Thank you very much, Lakshmi
Amazing Derrick..Thank you for sharing your garden photographs..🙂
Much appreciated, Athira. I like your photographs, too
Thank you very much for the blog visit.
My pleasure.