After the overnight frost we scraped ice of the the car windows soon after 11 a.m. and ventured out into the cold forest’s sunlit chill.

A five barred gate cast its shadows among golden brown autumn leaves, some of which brushed my head on their descent to the verge of

South Sway Road.

Wootton moorland’s milk-white mantle was streaked with silver

coating leaves, ferns, and grasses.

A pointillist’s brush had stippled the still lingering leaves.

Although traces of ice still continued to cloud the surfaces of neighbouring potholes the rippling stream at Wootton Bridge freely flowed.
This evening we enjoyed second helpings of yesterday’s Red Chilli takeaway.
Very beautiful photos, Derick, that’s a hard frost! 🥶
Thanks very much, John
Those frosted leaves are so beautiful!!
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
It’s all rather beautiful, isn’t it?
It is. Thanks a lot, Geoff
As we would say in Maine, that was some frost. To my recollection, we don’t get frost like that around here. By 11:00, it would have melted from the windshield. Now snow, on the other hand…
Thanks very much, Laurie
Wonderful photos!
Thank you very much, Luisa
My pleasure!
A winter wonderland
Thanks a lot, Sheree
You captured the first frost beautifully.
Thank you very much, Bridget
Do children still talk about Jack Frost? Incidentally, I really liked image 4.
I’ve not heard them lately. I’m pleased you liked the photo. I walked a bit for that one, and it was pretty chilly. Thanks very much, John
Wow, it really was frosty!
Beautiful photos.
Thanks very much, Melanie X
Beautiful pictures.
Thank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
I am envious of the fact that you can have frost and sun shining through leaves on the same day. We had the frost but the leaves are long gone.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Lovely images that show the cold spell very well indeed.
That frost of yours certainly lingered. We woke up to a covering first thing but then the sun arrived and the frost disappeared long before eleven.
Thank very much, Sue
Reading this, I wonder how I survived four winters in England/Europe. Especially once I got too fat for my (Australian) leather coat.
Chuckle. So you put on a bit of insulation, apparently! It is still cold enough at night here in the NE of Victoria for a doona! But, I’ll take that over the 40+ stuff they’re getting up north.
And my auntie kept writing to tell me to eat up to keep the cold out! LOL. I’d gone around Europe living on cheese and bread, never realising the calorie content.
Still not warm enough here yet either. But never doona weather on the coast.
Perhaps UK’s version of the Sydney stone. Thanks a lot, Gwen
hmmmm, I need help with translation there.
It is a belief here that we eat so well in Australia and consequently put on weight
That made me laugh because I had been reading stone as a small rock, not a unit of weight! I was thinking – what? Does Australia have something like the Rosetta stone? Why wasn’t I told???
“Jack is Back” Derrick …
So he is, Ivor. Thanks very much
Brrr …
What a lovely country scene.
Thank you very much, Arlene
An icy morning is always a perfect day for chili. By the way, I live in a suburb of Rochester, NY, a town named Brighton. There are several towns bordering the city and one is named ‘Chili’ but it’s pronounced ‘chy ly’. Took me awhile to get used to it when we moved here.
Thanks a lot, Steve
Now I know ‘pointillism’. Thanks for the education!
Thanks very much, Steve. One to try on the crossing children?
These are especially beautiful photos, Derrick. I couldn’t pick a favorite.
Thank you so much, Merril
Wow. That’s a frost! Those leaves were just beautiful.
Thank you very much, Lisa
So many gorgeous photos, Derrick! Thanks for taking us along.
Much appreciated, Jill
Wonderful photography sir. Definitely frosty here as well.
Thanks very much, Gary
We have the humidity for a frost like yours, but unfortunately we have about forty degrees too many; we’ll have to make do with fog. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy these photos of yours. They’re enticing as can be.
Thank you so much, Linda
I love the colors in the trees in #8 and all the silvery white, especially on the water.
Thank you very much, JoAnna
I think your pointillist was at work on the water too 🙂 I enjoy seeing photographs of frost as we very seldom experience it here – other than perhaps frosted playing fields around the schools in the valley below.
A good pointillist spot, Anne. Thanks very much
And you’ve captured it very well!
Thank you very much, Ribana
Lovely photos! The frost always decorates so beautifully! Almost other-worldly in it’s silvery artistic designs and textures! 🙂
Jack Frost is nippin’ at our noses here, too. And Mr. Fog has been hangin’ around in the mornings. 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Apparently, we got the hard frost too, same as you.
Thanks very much, Cindy
Beautiful photos Derrick! It looks quite cold!
Thanks very much, Aletta. It is
I see the frost has come on strong in your part of the world.
Old Jack Frost paid you a visit and painted a silvery world. Angled light, lingering autumn colors and a silver patina are delightful to gaze upon.
We haven’t had much frost this season – yet! Your photos are frosty gems.
Thank you very much, Eugi
Marvelous contrast pf autumn and winter colors and textures.
Thank you very much, Dolly
Love your monochrome image of the stream!
Thank you very much, Kim
Lovely photos… Frosty but beautiful. x
Thank you very much, Sue, X
The frost does look so pretty.
Glorious shots! And the frosts are still with us!
Even frost can not diminish the beauty of a forest drive. 😉
Thank you very much, Pat