Jackie has responded well to penicillin and is now recovering.
We experienced our second frost today.

The early sun sent the icy drops of the wisteria leaves melting;

it took a while longer to illuminate the lower plants

and grasses,

or paths like the Brick

or the Heligan;

and later to redden the lingering leaves of the copper beech.
This post from my first days of blogging:
tells the story of the meal I spent this afternoon cooking. As I mention, it requires powdered aniseed. This is not in our larder, so once again Susan’s chicken has no aniseed and I had to be creative with other ingredients. The linked post featured in the above one is still lacking pictures, but the text may interest newer readers.
Flo boiled basmati rice to accompany the chicken with which I drank more of the Malbec, then settled down to watch the Football World Cup Quarter Final match between England and France
I am pleased to learn that Jackie is responding to her medication and that the standard of the meals in your home are not dropping 🙂
Thank you so much, Anne 🙂
Yay, Jackie! Glad she is feeling better. Tell her I am sending many good wishes across the pond.
Thank you so much from each of us, Laurie
We’re all hoping you will be totally recovered real soon, Jackie!!
I was able to enjoy your pictures much better today, knowing Jackie’s condition. Thank you for keeping us up to date, Derrick.
Thank you very much from each of us, GP
Glad to hear your better half is on the mend
Thank you very much, Sheree
Gorgeous artistic nature photos!
so so SO glad to hear Jackie is responding to the meds! Whew and YAY! 🙂 Still sending love and healing thoughts and wishes her way! ❤️
Your-made meal, Derrick, with Flo’s rice, sounds comforting and yummy! 🙂
(((HUGS))) for all of you, especially Jackie! 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
Lovely pictures and another Derrick prepared meal. Plus Jackie continues to improve
Thank you so much, Pat
I love the frosted leaves in the fifth photo. I was wondering whether they could be replicated in fabric but decided it couldn’t be done. I’m glad to hear that Jackie is responding well to treatment.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
It’s excellent news that Jackie is getting better so quickly. Incidentally, I loved the photographs of the long green leaves covered in frost.
Thank you so much, John
Your first line put smiles of gratitude on our faces, Derrick. Wonderful news along with wonderful photos have created a wonderful post!
Thank you so much, Maj and Sher
English football supporters must feel a bit like Scottish rugby supporters, eternally disappointed, especially when good things might appear to be just round the corner.
Quite so, Tootlepedal. Thanks very much
Frosty Days Derrick, and here it’ll be 30’C soon. I hope Jackie is feeling betterer …
She is improving. Thanks very much, Ivor
That is good to hear 🤗
The copper beech is striking. I’m so glad Jackie is on the mend, and as for your culinary efforts, I often substitute things and I bet fennel would work in that chicken (the seed, not the bulb).
Thanks very much, Lisa. Unfortunately the Culinary Queen doesn’t like fennel either
I’m happy to hear Jackie is feeling better. We just finished watching the recorded game. Needless to say, my Derek isn’t happy with the outcome. Beautiful shots today, Derrick.
Thank you so much, Jill
It was penicillin that took care of my childhood pneumonia. It truly was a ‘wonder drug’ in the 1950s, and I’m glad it’s still working its magic for Jackie. I didn’t know that powdered aniseed is a thing — so much to learn!
Thank you very much, Linda
I’m so glad Jackie is feeling better. Wondering about substitutes for aniseed. Maybe fennel or ? tarragon? You’ve certainly captured the beauty of the frost. 🙂
Thank you very much, JoAnna. I might get away with tarragon.
Like many of your readers, I have to say “I’m happy to hear Jackie is feeling better. ” That’s good news! As for aniseed, I am with JoAnna, I think fennel might make good substitute. In fact, my grama always referred to fennel as “sweet anise.”
Thanks very much, Jan. Unfortunately Jackie likes neither aniseed nor fennel
There must be a frightfully chilly winter this year. Will it snow for Christmas?
Possibly, Chrissy. Thanks very much
I’m so very pleased to hear Jackie is responding to the medicine and starting to feel better. And you and Flo cooking for her is wonderful, too. I was going to suggest fennel, too, but I saw above that Jackie doesn’t like either. I’m sure the dish was delicious.
Those frosted leaves are beautiful.
Thank you so much, Merril
I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t see my comment until I realised I’d written it on Susan’s chicken!
🙂 Thanks again, Sue
Great pics!
I’m happy to hear Jackie is feeling better ❣️❣️❣️
Thanks very much, Luisa
You’re so welcome!
I am glad Jackie is on the mend. I bet the chicken was still wonderful.
I was relieved that everyone thought so, Andy. Thanks very much
You’re welcome.
Snow rimes with show of coure , Derrick. But unfortunately it is cold !
In friendship
🙂 Thanks very much, friend, Michel
You captured some nice frost. Not cold enough her in NYC yet.
Thanks very much, Sherry. I think you will become much colder, though
I am glad Jackie is feeling much better now! I love the frosty photos. My favorite is the beech tree. I miss native beeches. There are none in my area. It may be too dry here in summer.
Thank you very much, Lavinia. I liked that picture, too
Jack Frost definitely left his footprint n your area. Beautiful photos and I’m glad Jackie is on the mend.
Thank you so much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Beautiful captures Derrick! So glad Jackie is on the mend.
Thank you very much, Val
Glad Jackie is doing better! Beautiful photos Derrick!
Thanks very much, Aletta
Careful Derrick. If you start documenting your culinary accomplishments, we might expect you to take turn and turn about with Jackie. If I was her, I’d start faking illness.
Good to hear she is on the mend with the real thing.
Thanks very much, Gwen 🙂
Hi Derrick, I read a later post before this one so I realised Jackie is much better. Thank goodness as the NHS seems to be quite upside down right now.