The Cow Scraped Under The Moon

Please note that this is a new self hosted site that is having TEMPORARY teething problems including posts not appearing on our Readers. Logging in once to will hopefully help.

My sister, Elizabeth, has a library to rival my own. On her recent visit, as she is on the process of thinning her collection, she brought me two Folio Society novels that she thought I would like. She knew that I have other editions of each of these works, but not of these particular illustrated editions.

The first is

which I posted today.

When, shortly before dusk, Jackie and I set out for Hatchet Pond before shopping for vegetables at Brockenhurst’s Tesco Metro,

the moon sheepishly showed its face above Christchurch Road.

The pale sky above the pond, where mallards and coots paddled over breezy ripples,

bore scarcely any trace of the hoped for sunset.

a creamy cow scraped against a blended birch,

beneath the now more prominent satellite

sometimes peeping through naked branches.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome beef casserole; boiled new potatoes; and firm Brussels sprouts with which I finished the Malbec.


  1. You and Elizabeth have such beautiful books.

    Your moon shots are so lovely, and the cow portrait made me smile. Her expression.
    (Also, I thought at first your title was The Cow Scraped Udder. . .”) 🙂

  2. Hi Derrick! I have been to your new site a couple of times. It doesn’t seem possible to Like or Comment on your posts there. Or I couldn’t just now anyway. Take Care – Anne

    1. Anne, this is Derrick’s new site and your comment is visible.
      If you are having difficulties try a different browser.
      My Firefox browser will only allow me to comment and click Like on Free sites. I have no such problems using Google Chrome.

      1. That is so strange – I must just get confused between old and new. 🙄 I use Google on my phone and Microsoft Edge on my computer. I have never had any real luck using Firefox on anything.

        1. I have the same problem with Safari, Anne.
          Hopefully, when the reader is sorted we will all be able to comment in our usual way.

  3. The cow looks very pleased! It was too cloudy here to see the moon here last night, Derrick. It looked like we might have a colorful dawn, but those hopes were dashed as the first long rose-pink rays were extinguished by cloud.

  4. I adored all of your ‘Moon’ photos, and I have sheepishly placed them into my ‘Derrick File’ … whoops, your posts are still not appearing in my WP Reeder.

    1. I’m sorry about the Reader problem, Ivor. I have a session with James Peacock tomorrow. Thanks very much – I wondered if you’d like the moon shots.

  5. Love these photos…the moon, the trees, the clouds, the water…and your poetic descriptions of them! 🙂
    I’m glad that cow didn’t jump over the moon! 😉 😀
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    1. I’m pleased you got the reference to the nursery rhyme, Carolyn. Thanks very much X

  6. Well, I’ve found your site but WP won’t allow me to log in! It was good to catch up with all your wonderful photos and happening chezKnights.

    1. I’m pleased you have got in at last, Sheree. Thank you very much for your perseverance

  7. I’m not sure how I missed this one, Derrick!
    I love the images of the moon.
    I’ve just read a couple of comments from Annemarie and Sheree about not being able to comment/ log in.

    I have the same problem with Every site except free ones when I use the Firefox browser. I don’t have any problems with Google. It’s not limited to your site. My guess is that previously they used the Reader by clicking the text.

  8. Oh my, I have missed your posts – and just clicked on the link you provided and got caught up on your January activities… so much love there…. beautiful family, yummy dinners, lotsa rain, great work by Martin, great photos of animals (I always love those), funny photos of you, Derrick. Oh my… I hope you get the issue of posting on “The Reader” taken care of. I’m glad you’re ok – and 2023 is off to a great start in the Knight household.

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