Log Burning

Jackie giggled as, having boiled a kettle to wash, I emerged from the kitchen this morning. I couldn’t imagine what she was laughing at.

I then remembered photographing her in her Swaddling Clothes https://derrickjknight.com/2022/12/17/swaddling-clothes/ when our boiler was not functioning a month ago. It seems only fair, really.

Several years ago now I had chopped and sawn quite a few logs for our own woodpile. Because of all the rain experienced recently I had thought these were too wet to burn in our grate. As I sought to supplement the logs bought yesterday I discovered that some of these now well seasoned items were dry, and are now burning away merrily.

Sam Had The Answer tells of that material cut from our own garden, and, incidentally, a bonfire from much earlier.

The header picture today shows just one pile of the cuttings from the overgrown garden we took on and logs in a wheelbarrow on the Back Drive as it then was.

This evening we dined on tender roast chicken and Jackie’s colourful savoury rice, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Syrah.


  1. I had a little laugh on seeing you dressed like that, Derrick! I hope the boliler is fixed very soon and that it stays fixed! šŸ‘šŸ»

  2. Only fair. šŸ˜Š We’re often bundled up here because the house is cold, so I can’t laugh (too much). Hope your heater is fixed soon, but it’s nice you have a fireplace.

  3. Only one photoā€¦ that must be a first!

    Dressing gown and jacket – good for you, the more layers the better during our cold spell.
    Apparently, here in my area of Yorkshire we were the coldest place in England last night (Monday). I was so cosy I didnā€™t notice, it must be the Christmas bed socks! I certainly noticed the icy chill today!

    1. I’m so pleased you have your heating working. I think that is a first, although the links made up for it. Thanks very much, Sue.

  4. Derrick – that’s a hilarious photo of you. But anyone would look the same in the morning on a cold day without heat. (Although I would have leggings covering ALL of my legs as well). Funny stuff. Glad you are still appreciating the humor.

    1. They are improving, but some readers have difficulty in finding me. Thanks very much Lakshmi šŸ™‚

  5. I can’t for the life of me imagine what she could laugh at. (Though it did remind me of a conversation we had about “robes de chambre” and dressing gowns…

  6. We need trigger warnings before material like this is let loose on the unsuspecting blog reader. So much beauty at one time may be injurious to the health.

  7. I smiled at your swaddling clothes but they are very sensible in this weather. I recently bought my sweetheart a second hand, very nice coat-of-many-colours (a striped dressing gown). Being from Mississippi, he has had little need for one, but they are a must-have in Lancashire.

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