“The Maid of Thilhouse”, as entitled by the first two publishers featured below, becomes “The Virgin of Thilhouse” to the third.
This is the story a far older wealthy man who sought to purchase a sixteen year old bride with bribery and property; this rather backfired on him. A short piece nevertheless packed with witty prose.

Here is Mervyn Peake’s illustration.

These are those of Gustave Doré;

and this one by Jean de Bosschère.
Further details of each of these publications is given in https://derrickjknight.com/2023/01/06/droll-tales-1/
gm… you must have an extensive library. kudos on your steadfast dedication to the task.
Thank you so much, Q
I’m always struck by how different the illustrations are.
I am, too, Merril. Today’s Gustave Doré strikes me as quite beautiful. Before I read you comment, I was wondering about the illustrations’ relationship to the text and the overall effect on the reader.
Yes, they seem like different stories, if you go by the illustrations.
They do, indeed
Interesting thoughts, Liz -as ever
Thanks, Derek!
Yes. This is why I embarked on the series. Thanks very much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick. Thank you for sharing.
Jean de Bosschère mustc have been a lively fellow, if the amount of clothing worn by his model is anything to go on. I bet his wife kept him on a tight leash!
He was, it seems, John. Thanks very much
What could possibly go wrong? 😉
You know I like to avoid spoilers, Laurie 🙂
Thanks very much for reading
Looks like the illustrators took different approached to the story. Wonderful illustrations.
They do, Pat. Thank you very much.
I can’t help thinking that the use of “sensitivity readers” would alter these stories more thn a little.
An interesting link, Quercus. Others, like Enid Blyton have gone before, subjected to the thought police. Thanks very much
In 50 years time will all this sensitivity be seen as a good thing, or just a distraction? I see “fat” is no longer allowed in Dahl books, and I was told off by NHS personnel for describing myself as “fat” recently. It seems I’m “overweight” opr “obese”. I still need to lose weight whatever you call it. At one point I would have been quite blunt about this, but now I probably have to describe it as a load of “testicles”.
You would be amazed at the adoption candidates called “obese” by the Medical Officers when I chaired Adoption Panels
That’s what happens when you put thin people in positions of responsibility . . . 🙂
An interesting story and illustrations, Derrick. Thought police – plenty of that going around from all directions.
Indeed. Thank you very much, Lavinia
It is interesting how different artists interpret a story/book and the create the illustrations.
I liked spotting animals…like a dog, a cat, etc. 😀
(((HUGS))) ❤️
Thanks very much, Carolyn. Those little animals are always endearing touches
You left me hanging on page 186 🙁
I’m pleased you read that far, Rosaliene 🙂
Thanks very much
I appreciate all three artists, each with his own distinct style, but Mervyn Peake’s illustration to this part impressed me the most. The other two are very beautiful, of course.
Thank you very much, Dolly
My pleasure, Derrick.