A Short Forest Drive, And A Result

I sat in the car reading while Jackie shopped in Tesco; then I loaded the shopping into the car and we took a short forest drive.

Water buttercups creamed the reflecting lake at Pilley,

where washing was draped over a gate to a lakeside cottage.

Ponies of varying sizes and breeds basked on Bull Hill pastures,

while three donkeys behaved similarly around the road sign opposite No 1 Sowley Lane

Later, Louisa asked me to trace the post of her 21st Birthday party so she could extract some of the pictures. I did. There were no pictures on it.

Flo came to the rescue by introducing me to the Wayback Machine. This is a site which captures everything anyone has put on the Internet. Fear not, I won’t try to describe the process, but our granddaughter has written it all down for me. I may try to do it again, but here is

the result.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s tricolour penne pasta arrabbiata sprinkled with parmesan cheese with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Passamano Frappato Syrah 2021.


  1. Pilley Lake is looking very beautiful! Great photos, Derrick. The ponies are so cute. I haven’t visited the Way Back Machine in a long time.

  2. Ponies and donkeys! YAY! Those sweet face bring the joy! 🙂
    Your water reflection photos are fabulous! Twice the beauty in each photo!
    Yay for Flo and her help!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. I love the header photo! It reminds me of an abstract art piece. I’ve never seen water buttercups. The next reflection photo comes in at a very close second.

    1. Thanks very much, Liz. I’m so pleased you like that abstract header, which I thought was a bit of a risk

  4. Hi Derrick, I am packing today, and leaving for Tasmania tomorrow .. a trial and error thing, we are only allowed 7kg of carry-on luggage, it’s a juggling act of what to take … The donkeys grazing around the ‘warning’ signpost “Cattle Grid” made me laugh …

  5. I always enjoy the ponies and donkeys, but those water buttercups were especially delightful! The Wayback Machine sounds interesting, but a little scary.

  6. Water buttercups and the Wayback Machine are new to me. That sounds like an interesting site. I always enjoy those ponies and donkeys. 🙂

    Louisa’s 21st birthday party looks like a wonderful family gathering, Derrick. You and Jackie are blessed to have such a loving, tight-knit multi-generational family.

  7. The way back machine sounds interesting, I will have to take a look at that! I loved the pictures you found of the celebration. The reflections on the lake are lovely too.

    1. Yes, it was, Anne. I was pleased to have been persuaded to get out. Thanks very much.

  8. I’ve never seen water buttercups, they are gorgeous. Oh, and those reflections are just beautiful.

    I enjoyed the birthday celebrations and I stil marvel at how Louisa looks so much like Jessica.

    1. Thank you so much, Sue. Some those young adults are now married to each other, parents themselves, and still part of the same group of friends

  9. You live in such a beautiful part of the country.
    That top picture is just simply WOW. I love it.
    And the last donkey pic looks like he’s smiling at you with squinty eyes!

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