War Cry Or Serenade?

Accompanied by a shrill avian chorus that, apart from the occasional baleful wood pigeon, could have done with a bass tenor from Langholm, our division of labour in the garden this morning continued apace. It hadn’t been good idea for me to wear a sun-absorbing black T-shirt.

Perched in the Weeping Birch high above the eponymous flower bed

a pair of chaffinches kept up an incessant two note whistle lending a discordant jarring to the harmony. Was this a war cry or a serenade, I wondered?

To the left of Jackie, who was continuing her work on the Brick Path,

an owl roosted on a branched stand sporting a clematis fascinator in readiness for

Wedding Day festooning the Agriframes Arch with a certain amount of Compassion shown.

Another clematis adorns the Palm Bed, while two more owls are draped in ferns in the Pond Bed,

which also contains blue lobelia, pastel petunias, and rose campion.

Golden Day lilies star in the Dragon Bed.

Roses are represented by the red climber ascending the opposite side of the lopped cypress to The Generous Gardener; lofty Altissimo; and Rosa Gallica, being entered by a working bee.

This evening we dined on spicy lemon piri-piri chicken and various rices with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Selone Puglia Rosso Appassimento 2021.


  1. You were really waxing lyrical today–the influence of an overheating black t-shirt? My favorite is the owl wearing a fascinator in honor of a wedding.

  2. This served as a reminder for me to plant more lobelias should the rainy season every come. All of mine seem to have perished and a planter doesn’t seem like a planter without them. So happy to see your garden looking so lush. Hopefully the rains will come and mine will soon be, as well.

  3. I enjoyed the splendid tour of garden; I felt as though I was following a colourful procession, all that was missing was a classical piece of music.

  4. Gorgeous flowers, as always. You were definitely having fun with the post–the owl fascinator and “with a certain amount of Compassion shown.” 🙂
    I hope the heat eases a bit.

  5. Ah, yes. The dark colored shirts and tees have been retired here until the fall. It’s amazing how much difference they make. Every cautionary post about our heat includes the advice to wear light-colored clothing, although your lovely photos didn’t convey any sense of being over-heated.

  6. I want to believe it was a serenade!
    Ooh, OWLS!!! The owl all dressed up with a fascinator on top her head is stylish to the max! Life is short, wear the hat! Ha!
    What a lovely and fun post…photos and words…your stories of the garden are so lyrically poetic!
    Oh, my…yes, a lighter shirt on a warm day.
    (((HUGS))) ❤️

  7. The first little owl looks to have a nice bouncy personality, slightly indignant yet at the same time curious as to who is disturbing him.
    I suppose owls have quite a human-type face, with two eyes close together and a beak for a nose.

  8. Beautiful flowers, and I so enjoy seeing Jackie’s owls. My daughter Dee is an owl enthusiast, and she has owl pictures—some of real owls, others painted—and owl wine glass, owl slippers, and an owl mug for tea. Let’s hear it for those owl lovers. Tell Jackie that we have bard owls that live in the woods behind our house, and we frequently hear them as they call to each other:

  9. A beautiful day in the garden, Derrick and Jackie. I especially love the series of chaffinch photos. The cacophony as well as musical blending of bird calls can interesting to listen to. Sometimes with the various doves and pigeons that show up, the mix can almost sound like an old time calliope.

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