Somewhat Scary

While we enjoyed ourselves shaded from the searing heat yesterday afternoon, Flo, Dillon and Ellie engaged in an impressive gardening

stint, clearing the overgrown raised bed at the bottom of the Back

Drive, much of which our grandson-in-law cleared of weeds, before

going on to the Heligan Path.

My efforts this morning concentrated on the front garden trellis, the roses of which I pruned with long loppers,

revealing solanum and honeysuckle;

then thinned out the Oxeye daisies alongside the hydrangea and Félicité Perpétue obscuring Jackie’s view when driving out onto Christchurch Road; and finally

the clematis Montana obscuring Laraine and David’s exit from next door. Often exceeding the 40 m.p.h. speed limit, vehicles of all shapes and sizes do not slow down when passing me at work. It is somewhat scary.

Jackie continued planting pots.

Later, I converted the gallery in from Tiled to ordinary in order to recover the pictures.

This evening we all dined at The Smugglers Inn, Milford on Sea. As usual, the food was plentiful, perfectly cooked, and of excellent quality; the staff were welcoming, friendly, and efficient; even shortly after 6 p.m. the spacious establishment was fully occupied, although we were given a table presumably reserved for later, and a high chair was rapidly provided for Ellie, who readily engaged with staff and customers.

Jackie enjoyed her crisp fish, chips, and garden peas; Dillon and I our tender, lean, steak and mushroom pies;

Flo and Ellie shared massive, meaty, spare ribs.

From the dessert menu Dillon selected splendid spotted dick and vanilla ice cream; Flo a flavoursome toffee waffle, also with ice cream; and I a traditional merangue, cream, and strawberry Eton mess. Ellie appreciated her shares of all our puds.


  1. The food looks delicious, Ellie surely enjoys it! I had to look up what spotted dick means! Looks tasty too. Scary indeed, Derrick, be careful along that road. The sign says 40, is that 40kph or 40mph? Our signs are all in mph here.

  2. So many drivers are just disgusting the way they pass pedestrians or horse riders at great speed, with little or no space left between them.

    1. It is a nice, light, dessert which varies in its construction. Thanks very much, Liz

  3. Awesome. I need a family to help in the garden these days. Between my run down body and Norm’s dodgy knees, It’s awkward. I’m happy though we went with pots.

  4. I very much enjoyed the thought of motorists voluntarily slowing down when passing close to other road users. That will be the day, as they say.

    1. Thank you very much, Laurie. When we first came ten years ago there was no speed limit

  5. Any establishment that serves lemon meringue pie gets immediate approval from me. Your garden peas looked quite familiar; here, they’re known as ‘English peas.’

  6. Your title gave me pause, Derrick. I’m glad you’re okay. People drive too fast, often with reckless abandon. I’m glad you all had a nice supper and well done on the pruning.

  7. Derrick, I’m glad you were safe in the end but yikes, that is close and very inconsiderate drivers! Your garden looks heavenly and what a long drive to weed! As for the desserts, they are all so tempting I’d have trouble just picking one! ????

  8. Ellie is the star of the show! As she should be! ❤️
    Oh, my! Yes, people drive too fast and don’t pay the needed attention! These days they are so distracted by so many things…especially their phones. (insert sad frustrated face here) Be careful and keep an eye on those drivers.
    PS…I’ll have some lemon pie, please!

  9. Drivers should be more considerate. 40 mph is a good clip and common sense should prevail. You meal sounds delicious.

  10. Get some people behind a wheel and the road belongs to them, no one else matters.
    Oh, I love to see Ellie eating, I doubt this young lady will beome a fussy eater, she has been introduced to so many tastes and textures already.

    I love your review of the Smugglers, you’re further ahead than me, you have two in the bag. I need to eat out again and choose somewhere new. My latest lunch is reviewing on Saturday.

    1. Thank you very much, Sue. I am pleased you like the Smugglers review. As you know we do have a plethora of places.

  11. I see Ellie enjoying her meal, as well as bits and pieces of everybody else’s, but not working in the garden, as has been suggested in the beginning of this post.

  12. I am sorry to hear traffic will not slow down for people entering the road. That is scary.

    Your dinners sound delicious, and I am smiling at little Ellie’s photos. You capture her expressions very well, Derrick.

  13. Quire a day! Yes, I can imagine how important it is to keep the bushes pruned near the front road to keep the on-coming traffic visible in both directions. Those plants are so healthy… they coud become unruly rather quickly, I imagine. I loved the photos of Ellie. She’s quite the charmer, isn’t she?

  14. People just don’t think at all, do they? Even if completely selfish, the car drivers might have considered that you were doing them a favour by helping them not get into a tangle with an emerging vehicle, which would be a major problem at 40 mph.

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