Scaffolding West End

This morning Tony and Cole of Solent Scaffolding erected the scaffolding to the western gable end of our house in readiness for refurbishment that was even needed when we bought it.

They were very happy to be photographed at work, the intense concentration required for this precise and potentially dangerous task somewhat belying their friendliness and humour. It was a pleasure to watch them and to learn the intricacies of what I thought of as adult Meccano to which Cole added Lego.

There was so little room beside the house for their equipment that it

was necessary for their van to be parked next door in North Breeze’s drive, and for

Cole to carry the poles and pass them to Tony over the dividing fence, where the confined space was negotiated.

The couplings (probably not their technical term) were carefully attached to the poles at their required joins, every section carefully

measured with a tape measure and tightened by Tony.

The topmost level was managed by Cole,

who also set the signage in place.


walked the planks in a last examination.

Their labour was made more difficult by the extreme humidity of the day on which they had two more jobs to carry out.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s wholesome shepherd’s pie; firm broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots; tender runner beans, and tasty gravy, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Nerello Mascalese.


  1. Scaffolding is skilled work. I admire the speed at which competent scaffolders can work when the consequences of a mistake can be so serious.

    1. Thanks very much, Rosaliene. Nick, the decorator arranged it. He was recommended by Barry, the chimney sweep – that is how we get the best.

  2. Thumbs up! and YAY! to these two brave, wonderful, knowledgeable workers! Bravo to Cole and Tony!!
    And you captured it all in your superb photos, Derrick!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️
    PS…I like to watch men work. (wink)

    1. Actually Tony told me many of them have to learn to conquer it. Thanks a lot, Sheree.

  3. Three cheers for brave and competent souls. You’ve captured a terrific portrait of Tony, Derrick. I imagine the keeper of their website would welcome several of your interesting photos. Nicely done.

  4. Wow – This is a fascinating look at a job I had never even knew existed. To have to put these things up and then feel confident to let others walk upon them is quite a task. You must need nerves of steel and to not be afraid of heights (obviously). And then to have to do TWO more in the summer heat. That’s quite a day’s work!

  5. You took some great portraits here, Derrick. I always enjoy the interest you take in people working at your home. I am impressed with the amount of work you two have had done there. A constant project.

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