“Dad’s Best Morning Of The Week”

Knowing that we would have both Nick working on the house, and Martin in the garden, and thinking of the photo opportunities this would provide, Becky offered the opinion that has provided today’s title.

Martin began by mowing the lawn, which involved temporarily moving the pebbles from around the chimney pot, and carrying the clippings to the compost bins.

Meanwhile Nick began applying the first coat of paint to the west end gable wall. The pressure he needed to exert proved too much for his roller so he had to go and fetch another.

A Red Admiral butterfly alighted on a dust sheet.

Martin continued working on the Palm Bed clearance;

Nick finished applying

the first coat of paint to the wall;

and Martin brought the Palm Bed clearance alongside Jackie’s earlier footpath.

When Nick asked if he could wash his roller in our kitchen sink, Becky said “only if Dad can photograph you while you do it.” “I’ll lock the door”, was our friend’s reply.

This evening we dined on meaty and spicy pizzas, corn on the cob and fresh salad with Becky’s dressing. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Merlot.


  1. The wall already looks much better, the water-based paint shouldn’t hurt your drainage system. Dinner sounds delicious as always!

  2. “The Admiral” (a Tanka)

    Like a butterfly
    In his changing surroundings
    “Dad’s” curiously
    Fluttering over the ground
    Observing what’s going on

          1. Thanks Derrick… I’m glad you liked my ‘Tanka’ … for a quick comment/response, the was ok ????????????

  3. I so enjoy your random people pictures. It’s lovely that they allow the multiple shots–often I find people won’t go for it. It is also fun to watch the improvement being made on your home and garden. Ive always been i nterested in such tades an wish I possessed skills such as these–and the strength and energy!! Thanks for a fresh diversion today!

  4. I imagine it would feel good to have two well-known, capable workers taking care of your property with skill and good humor.

  5. Wonderfully expressed, Becky! Made me grin!
    Nick and Martin are such hard workers and skilled helpers! And, oh, their smiles are so lovely!
    I’m sure that butterfly was trying to supervise all the work! I salute The Red Admiral!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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