Great Great Grandma’s Mug

Steady rain fell outside throughout the day.

Almost 50 years ago, when we lived in Soho, and Becky and Matthew spent weekends with us, we often shopped in Gerard Street in the heart of Chinatown. Perhaps I was putting this shoe on in July 1974, for one such a trip.

In June 2008, Becky took her daughter, Flo, on a tour of her old haunts, and sent me this photograph by e-mail.

Regular readers will know that my own mother, who lived until 15th September 2021, had adopted the practice of labelling items with the names, usually of those who had given them as presents, of those to whom she wished to bequeath them.

One which came to me was a Chinese mug and teapot set bought in Gerard street about the time Jessica produced the header picture. Not wishing for her to have to wait as long as I did, I gave this to Becky, who decided to keep it here for when she visits.

This morning my Mum’s great-great-granddaughter took a shine to her Gram-Gram’s mug.

Peering through racing windscreen wipers barely keeping pace with streams of precipitation coursing across the window, on a decidedly cold and wet midsummer afternoon, Jackie and I spied bubbles bouncing from tarmac streaked with reflected headlights as we set out on a forest drive.

Damp sheep huddled where they could beside the road at Bramshaw.

Moorland along Roger Penny Way was barely visible

Venturing across Deadman Hill for this view, ice tipped javelins pierced my skin; I could not see what I was pointing at; and I returned to the car soaked to the skin.

Moorland along the way was scarcely visible.

The first ponies we saw were disrupting the traffic at North Gorley.

Along Gorley Road donkeys dripped; reflecting headlights starred; raindrops bubbled and splashed.

This evening we all dined on Fire Pit beef burgers; fried onions; plentiful salad with Becky’s dressing, and various tasty sauces. Jackie drank Diet Coke and I finished the Merlot.


  1. Oh my goodness — I’d happily trade 10 degrees for some of the cool and water you are experiencing! It is expected to be pushing 90 degrees (F) here today as the heat finally arrives!

    1. It was empty, but had it contained a drink she likes she would have drunk out of it. Thanks very much, Liz.

  2. It does look very cold and damp today, stay warm! The donkeys would get my dander up, Derrick, get out of the way! Dinner sounds delish. ????

    1. Thanks very much, John. Animals on the road is part of the deal in living in such an area. They have priority.

      1. I see. My home in Michigan was in the countryside but the only animals running free were White Tail Deer. And I hit one at 55mph as did my dad. The dangers of country living!

  3. Delightful old and new family photos!
    Those wet animals look miserable. Such a cool photo of the white and black sheep.
    I would not expect “ice tipped javelins” in July! It’s around 90 F here.

    1. Yes – even for our unpredictable weather this was very cold. Thanks very much, Merril

    1. Thanks very much, Gwen. Believe it or not I did wear a raincoat which was ineffective against what beset it.

  4. Nature looks to be in a mood! That last photo is fantastic!
    Damp sheep and damp donkeys are just as cute as dry sheep and dry donkeys (“in my book” HA!)…but I bet they get tired of the wet.
    Oh, I do believe that mug is now Ellie’s Mug! (wink) How wonderful that the mug has brought joy to so many generations!
    I still think of your Mum, with love and smiles, most especially when I am handing out serviettes/napkins. šŸ™‚
    (((HUGS))) ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

    1. Indeed. And that is a great transitional object. Thanks very much, Rosaliene

  5. You do know that ‘Great Great Grandmaā€™s Mug’ needs to be a published story, possibly for younger readers, don’t you Derrick? Love the shots of your trip out – as I always do,

  6. Not a good day for driving! It was a similar day here too, and again today.
    As I type this, the rain is hitting the balcony doors with a vengeance, so I think our plans of a country drive might be cancelled!

    I love Grandma’s mug and those pictures of Becky and Ellie are priceless! šŸ™‚

  7. Yesterday’s weather was certainly grim. But better here today so hopefully clearer skies for you also, Derrick. I love those early photos and the story of your mother’s mug. Wonderful that Ellie now has her part in the tale.

  8. It’s amazing how many memories can be absorbed into a single item, like the mug. Some do, and some don’t. I know the difference, because when I evacuate for hurricanes, the ‘things’ that go with me in the car are the ones that have absorbed the memories: like the cribbage board my father and I used to play with.

  9. I have given my great grandfather’s handmade doll house to my granddaughter. I haven’t calculated what their relationship is. I love that you have the same passing down of precious things there.

  10. Ellie is such an expressive child! I agree, it is wonderful your family passes precious things along to the next generation.

    The forest fauna seem to be stoically waiting out the precipitation. Any rain you do not want we will gladly take over here. šŸ™‚

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