Woodland Ecology 2023

Knowing that our comparatively sunny morning would become less pleasant during the afternoon, we followed a Tesco shopping trip with a forest drive.

The recent damp weather has added layers of moss to the decaying fallen wood gradually playing its part in forestry ecology. From the Mill Lawn car park I wandered just a few surrounding yards to record some of the changes since the larger trees first fell a year or so ago.

Clopping on the tarmac and thudding on the terrain, a motley variety of ponies wandered along and across Forest Road.

This evening we dined on the core of Jackie’s chicken and vegetable stewp with the addition of fresh ingredients that developed the taste. I finished the Shiraz and no-one else wanted any.


      1. It’s good to see. I saw a series on TV a good while back that was called Life After Man, or something like that that depicted what would happen to cities and the land in general at different intervals. 50 years, 1000 years and so on. Our creations were slowly taken back by Earth!

    1. I thought you would like them, GP. The large group came trotting but I wasn’t out of the car to catch the movement. Thanks very much

  1. Your woodland-forest photos are always a treat! You capture nature in so many stages and phases and show us it’s beauty, creativity and artistry. The moss is always beautiful to me.
    Nature takes care of it’s own better than we human-beans take care of nature and each other.
    The ponies always bring the joy and smiles! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
    PS…“Going to the woods is going home.” – John Muir

  2. I’m glad you got the forest visit in. Moss makes a lovely decoration on the dead as well as the living trees. The ponies are always a pleasure to see.

  3. It’s the circle of life! What we rerally need are a few vultures to take care of any ponies who pass on. And with climate change, we may yet get them!

  4. As usual, I liked your photos so much, especially, the white trunked trees with the red berries scattered around them. If I may, I would like to copy it. Of course, I would keep the photographer’s name with it.

  5. your forest drives never disappoint! the tree trunks, roots, barks and of course the ponies are always a treat! beautiful gallery, Derrick. thanks! 🙂

  6. Your woodland-to-earth pictures are very atmospheric. Lovely to see the lichens. When I see bark peeling attractively like that, I always want to take a bit home, though I couldn’t explain why. I usually manage to resist.

  7. The pony in the earlier photo appears to be sporting a pair of dark knee socks. That made me smile. I’m behind on my reading, Derrick. I hope you are both doing well.

    1. Thank you very much, Alys, especially for the catch up. We are well. I have a 60 year old rugby injury which means I can’t move my neck at the moment – that has happened before, so I can live with it.

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