Boxing Day Roses

A number of blooms linger in our garden.

Here are a bunch of roses – in order Super Elfin, Lady Emma Hamilton, For your Eyes Only, Red Carpet Rose, and Pink Climber

This evening we all dined on roast lamb, Yorkshire pudding, boiled potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, runner and green beans with which I drank the last of the Shiraz and Ian and Dillon drank Moretti.


  1. I’m amazed at how well the flowers have survived your recent wild weather, guys. Nice! Dinner sounds sooo good! ????????

  2. Aw! One year I had a yellow rose blooming outside my bedroom window in late November. In my climate, however, the poor thing was frozen the first day of December. Lucky you to have garden roses this time of year!

    1. It is rather. Martin has done much cutting back which should give us many more soon. Thanks very much, Sue

  3. The roses are still looking good. It’s amazing despite the weather. My geraniums and jasmine on the balcony are still doing fine as well

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