Boxing Day Roses

A number of blooms linger in our garden.

Here are a bunch of roses – in order Super Elfin, Lady Emma Hamilton, For your Eyes Only, Red Carpet Rose, and Pink Climber

This evening we all dined on roast lamb, Yorkshire pudding, boiled potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, runner and green beans with which I drank the last of the Shiraz and Ian and Dillon drank Moretti.

Buzzing On Opium

We received a generous amount of rain overnight and light drizzle during the morning of a generally overcast day.

Jackie continued her work on clearing beds while

I carried clippings and other refuse to the compost bins before a lengthy training session for what Andrew Petcher has termed the Dead-heading Olympics.

Nugget visited me briefly, but otherwise preferred the company of the Head Gardener and her filled trug from which he plucked provender to provide for his latest brood of offspring. The poor little chap was looking very sodden as he ignored the rain for the greater good.

In this image you can find “Where’s Nugget?” (87)

For one brief period before lunch clematis Madame Julia Correvon smiled in the sunshine while sparkling raindrops caused roses, hemerocallises and others to gladly glisten;

a veritable hive of bees clambered over each other buzzing on opium.

This evening we dined on roast chicken; crisp roast potatoes; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and tender spring greens with green beans, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.

A Bit Harsh

On an overcast morning promising rain we set about clearing up from Jackie’s pruning and weeding of the last couple of days.

My task was to gather up, chop to size, load the debris into trugs (how many times, WP, do I have to tell you this is not rugs – look it up), and, because the main compost bins are full, transport the contents to the front bin. That is now full.

When I announced that the job was done, the Head Gardener stated “You haven’t seen what I’ve done on the Head Gardener’s Walk”.

It had been clear before I began. “I thought you were just going to sweep and rake the paths”, said I.

“I had to do some cutting back before I could get down it. Don’t worry. I’ll do that. Go back inside and sit down before you fall down”. Such cruelty to be kind seemed a bit harsh to me. Nevertheless, with relief, I obeyed instructions.

She was, however, as good as her word, and filled two trugs while clearing and sweeping the path. The sun had, after lunch, put in an appearance. “Where’s Jackie?” (3) is located in the first of this trio of pictures. Click on any image to access the gallery; for enlargement scroll down to the box under the right side of the picture to ‘view full size’; further enlargement is also possible.

I had time to tour with my camera before a heavy shower sent us inside.

This evening we dined on Mr Chan’s Hordle Chinese Take Away excellent fare with which Jackie drank Becks and I finished the Rioja.