The storm winds roared throughout the night and did not lessen until late this afternoon when we took a short forest drive.’
Rather like me, Ellie is a reader of eclectic choices. Although her words are not yet fully clear, she knows what is being said to her, and can identify pictures and is indeed able to trace the written word with her fingers, saying, in her own way, the words she is apparently reading.
One of her current favourites is Jackie’s Gardener’s World. She can display an apple when she sees one.
Her favourite card is this one from Sue W, which she often carries around with her, tracing the words and pointing to the sheep, several times a day – this set was produced by Jackie.
Needless to say, her parents have brought her up with books from her very early days.
On our drive mushrooms pierced the verges of Church Road;
Mallards are still at home on Pilley lake;
Cormorants were at their posts on Hatchet Pond, where coots scooted beneath them.
Naked oaks were everywhere silhouetted against the sky.
Jackie also photographed the birds on Hatchet Pond;
the Christmas tree and visitors to Buckler’s Hard; and trees against
the sky shortly before sunset.
On our way home, I pictured the sunset over Southampton Road at Pennington.
For dinner this evening we all revisited Jackie’s still plentiful chicken and turkey stewp and fresh bread, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Fleurie.
Any child brought up with a love of books is a lucky child. Pleased to see Ellie meeting my early expectations. ????????????
Thank you very much, Pat. You were right
It’s wonderful when families help chidren read and be read to from a very young age. It really seems to set them up for life in positive ways.
I love the tree photos especially–
Thank you so much, Donnalee
What a delight to see Ellie developing her language skills in a natural, not forced, way!
Thank you so much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Ellie is growing so fast! It’s wonderful that she is learning to love books, great job, parents. ❤️ The big bare tree is beautiful as are the birds. We have the Coot bird here too in the desert! Oh, and Cormorants and Canada Geese and ducks.
…and hummers. Thanks very much, John
If the bad weather continues Ellie will indeed be a proficient reader very soon Derrick …
Thank you so much, Ivor
You’re welcome Derrick
This post is filled with so many wonderful photos! I love the Ellie photos, of course. The header shot!
But the “naked oak,” the birds, the sunset . . .too many to pick one favorite today.
Thank you so much, Merril
I am delighted to read that Ellie likes my Christmas card. Perhaps I should sent more cards for Ellie to enjoy. 🙂
She really has homed in on your card, as a consequence it is becoming a little bit battered and playworn, but she will sit with it for a long time and is loving the sheep.
Aw, bless her. I feel very honoured, Jackie, thank you.
She really does carry it around much of the day and treats it gently. Needless to say I am delighted that that is the one she has chosen. Thank you very much, Sue
I love that she has chosen mine, thank you, Derrick.
Reading is all very well but is she developing sound throwing and catching skills and an ability to kick the ball with both feet?
She will 🙂 At the moment she seems ambidextrous, and can actually pick stuff up with her feet. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
Gosh, you’ve really copped some foul weather. Perfect for reading indoors for all of you.
Thanks very much, Lindsey
I love how engaged in life the little one is. Beautiful photos of the pink sunset.
Thanks very much, VJ
You are welcome
That big old oak is wonderful! It’s a great photo — as good as any Christmas tree!
Thank you very much, Linda
The picture of the oak tree is beautiful. It’s just waiting for spring.
Thank you very much, Bridget
Readers are keaders!
Beautiful oak and sunset!
Sunsets are always spectacular, and the oak tree and mallard photos are fabulous, but Ellie with books takes center stage.
Thank you so much, Dolly
The pleasure is mine, Derrick.
Ellie is such a beautiful child, and growing fast! It is good to hear she has had access to books from early on. It was the same in my house growing up. All of us loved books.
Lovely photos from you and Jackie. I especially love those pink-orange sunsets.
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Yay, Ellie! Keep lovin’ books and keep reading! I’m so glad you are being read to and books are a daily part of your life! 🙂 ❤️ At our house, every Christmas (and all year through), books are gifts given to the youngest up to the VERY oldest! 🙂 We all love books!!!
(((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much, Carolyn XX
Children can so often surprise us by what they can understand.
Thanks very much, John
One of my favourite sayings … first you learn to read, and then you read to learn. It’s gut-wrenching none of my grandchildren have embraced a love of reading, and I fear they were not introduced to it early enough.
Thank you so much, Gwen
And so goes another, `pleasant’ Christmas? If not, there’s always New Year’s Eve to celebrate as a consolation, but I’m sure that’s not the case in your house, so en joy the celebrations! A Happy, healthy New Year to you all. Cheers. Joy
Thank you very much, Joy
Fabulous images! All of them!
I have to say that your wonderful Ellie is truly photogenic
Thank you so much, Luisa
My pleasure!
Beautiful sunset. But Ellie is prettier.
Thank you so much, Mimi
It would be lovely if you could produce an audio of Ellie reading in her own way. I am sure it would be a hit with your readers. She looks so lovely.
I like the sunset pics a lot too
Thanks very much, Geetha. her Mum may produce one
Little kids can never havce too many books. 😀
Thanks very much, Widders
Books should always play a large part in a child’s life. How wonderful for Ellie 🙂
Wonderful photos, too!
Thank you so much, Dale
My pleasure.
Beautiful photos. I am glad she is interested in books. What a wonderful passtime.
Thank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
Yay! A very cute book lover 🙂 And what a lovely sunset!
Thank you very much, Riba