The Two Towers

This morning’s chiropractic session with Eloise was encouraging: my next appointment is for five days time, which is continuing the further spacing.

On another cold, dull, day I stayed at home afterwards and scanned the Illustrations to the second book in J.R.R.Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Here is the Title Page and Frontispiece,

and the illustrations, approved with restrictions by the author himself.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie; crunchy carrots; green and runner beans, and meaty gravy with which the Culinary Queen drank more of the chardonnay, Ian and Dillon drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Cabernet Chiménère.


  1. It’s great to have those appointments spaced out, isn’t it? It sounds as though you’re improving nicely, even with the occasional bump in the road.

  2. I greatly enjoyed these illustrations and reading snippets reminding me how the books described the mundane hardships of the journey more than the movies do.

  3. These illustrations are beautifully detailed. I looked up the wine you enjoyed with your meal but kept coming up with Cabernet Sauvignon. Where does your Cabernet Chiménère come from? It is a new one to me 🙂

  4. I’m glad the sessions went well. Good for you for staying home.
    We had a layer of snow that iced over, I never ventured over the threshold. It’s still there and just as icy.

  5. What you have shared prompted me to research Mr. Fraser. His artwork is so beautiful to me.
    His work portrays such emotion and illicit my emotions. I found out his illustrations/drawings were done with pen and ink and he worked in his garden studio until a week before his death, in 1983. He, also, created murals, stained glass, advertisements, etc. 🙂 I am enjoying learning about him. 🙂

    Oh! I am so glad your sessions with Eloise are going well! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. The illustrations are exceptional of course, and the writing never ceases to pull me in. I found myself eagerly reading each page, and now I want to read the books once more. 🙂 Thank you for that. <3

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