The Return Of The King

With storm Isha on the way today I stayed inside and scanned the illustrations from the third of the Lord of The Rings trilogy, being a result of the redrafting by Eric Fraser of Ingahild Grathmer’s original drawings.

Here is the title page and frontispiece.

and here the pages complementing the text.

This evening we all dined on King’s House Chinese takeaway – a new outlet which delivers excellent food in good portions on Sundays.

The Two Towers

This morning’s chiropractic session with Eloise was encouraging: my next appointment is for five days time, which is continuing the further spacing.

On another cold, dull, day I stayed at home afterwards and scanned the Illustrations to the second book in J.R.R.Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Here is the Title Page and Frontispiece,

and the illustrations, approved with restrictions by the author himself.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s classic cottage pie; crunchy carrots; green and runner beans, and meaty gravy with which the Culinary Queen drank more of the chardonnay, Ian and Dillon drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Cabernet Chiménère.

The Fellowship Of The Ring

I introduce today’s post with a couple of questions.

Why would I feature a book I am never likely to read?

Which European Monarch signed abdication papers today?

Well, not before I bought this Folio Society edition in 1977, I read J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” which bored me so much that I regretted purchase of the Ring three volume set. Except for the illustrations, the story of which is featured in

two pages from the Folio Society Magazine of Spring 1978. You may need to enlarge these images to realise that today’s abdicating monarch is the artist who provided the original works redrawn by Eric Fraser to fit the format of the books. Having become Queen Margaretha, Ingahild Grathmer had no available time to carry out the task, but approved of Fraser’s efforts.

Here are the illustrations to this first book in the trilogy; those for the next two volumes will follow in due course.

As Crown Princess, Margaretha of Denmark is celebrated in our rose garden by this eponymous prolific sweet scented climber.

This evening we all dined on Red Chilli takeaway’s excellent fare. My choice was Bengal Chilli Chicken and special fried rice.