Ironing And Reading

Today I managed a mammoth ironing session, then made considerable progress with “Vanity Fair”.

Becky and Ian, having returned home to Southbourne after dinner yesterday, were not present for this evening’s meal of oven fish and chips, garden peas, pickled onions and gherkins, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Mighty Murray Shiraz.


    1. Ditto! I do all the ironing and I’m not sure I would trust my OH to do a satisfactory job. However, I should add that my Dad taught me to iron.

  1. Hi, Derrick – I must be part milleanial. 😀 I bought an iron when we moved back to Canada 8 years ago and I still haven’t taken it out of the box once. It can be a conversation piece at a garage sale one day. I look foreward to hearing your thoughts on Vanity Fair.

  2. Oh, the irony! Ha! Did you know irony is the opposite of wrinkly? Ha!
    Yay for a mammoth ironing session, reading time, and a delicious meal!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Well done with the pile of ironing. I used to enjoy that task. Such a great feeling when the basket was emptied… until the next weekend!
    Joshua tends to do his own and most of mine is non-iron.

  4. I have not ironed in years, though my husband does occasionally. I can sort of imagine how it might give one a sense of satisfaction.

  5. I wondered, too, if you watched or listened to anything while you ironed. I guess it would be hard to read at the same time–and probably dangerous. 🙂

  6. There was a time under the sun when I read and relished Vanity Fair. It must have been late in the 1980s. How convinced was I in that aeon that I would take up teaching Literature in my favourite university!

    1. That explains why you write so well – but I thought you worked in a bank who keep moving you about. For some reason I haven’t been receiving your posts, so didn’t know you have been so ill. It is so good to see you back. My very best wishes, Uma

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