Just A Week Old

Given that we understood that this morning’s chill wind and cold bright sunshine was likely to cede to strong showers for the rest of the day, we set off for a forest drive just after 8 a.m. and turned on the windscreen wipers in a darkened air two hours later as we were driving home.

Groups of ponies gathered around Smuggler’s Road Car Park basking and reflecting in the sunlight,

which brightened the sand pit in the Rockford Common landscape. The stream at Ibsley ford rippled past a recently broken tree on its banks, where blossom bejewelled a shadow-striated wall.

Further along the road donkeys wandered freely along the tarmac.

The sharp wind swivelled a weather vane seen between two houses.

At the bottom of Frogham Hill we encountered our first donkey mother and foal,

somewhat older than its cousins seen at the top, which according to a resident I engaged in conversation, were just a week old..

Someone had categorised potholes at a road junction in Crow,

This afternoon I watched the Women’s Six Nations rugby matches between France and Ireland and between Scotland and Wales.

This evening we all dined on Jackie’s flavoursome savoury rice and spare ribs in hoisin sauce, with which I drank more of the Shiraz.


  1. There’s something about babies of any species that warms my heart. But the donkey babies are especially delightful. I like the sloping landscape of Rockford Common, too. Getting out early sure paid off for you, two.

  2. So many beautiful photos today, Derrick! The donkeys are so cute. ???? Good old potholes, every country with busy roads will have them. Happy weekend. ????

  3. The early morning ride out in the sunshine was a wise choice. Thank you both for taking the drive and presenting all these adorable photos of ponies and donkeys. Spring has truly arrived in your area!

    Potholes – even gravel tossed in by the county would be better than nothing. Drive carefully and stay safe!

  4. All lovely photos of nature and equine and weather-vanes! Ha and Yikes on the labels of hole and crater! Glad there are no potholes that could be named after The Heavenly Pit!

    You know my fave photos in this group today! Welcome to the world Little Week-Old Donkey! 🙂 So sweet!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Smugglers Road is an interesting name which often shows up in your posts. Any trivia behind the name? The kid foals are so cute. Are they domesticable? Your forest drives are very interesting. Does the regularity behind these drives means something to you? Too many questions. Need not answer. It’s one of my bad habits.

    1. I have been unable to find the history of the name, but I guess it must be a smugglers route from a few centuries ago. The donkeys are all owned by someone, but wander freely in the forest. They are very gentle creatures. The drives become regular as we seek photo opportunities. Thanks very much, Geeta

      1. Aah! You have answered all my probing questions. When in job my then boss used to restraint me from asking too many. He was a balancing factor at that point of time as I used to get carried away quite often ????????????????

  6. Your donkeys look different from ours. I love the potholes at the end – we have so many of them in our town.

  7. The ponies look like they are enjoying Spring. That new donkey, just a week old, looks like a stuffed toy. So cute!

    1. It’s more of a protest comment, Dolly. That waa a particularly awkward spot. Thanks very much

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