How Many Balls?

On this overcast, imperceptibly drizzly morning I made a good start on reading Jane Eyre for the second time after all but 60 years.

After lunch the sun came out to play with the pink climbers and white solanum on the front garden trellis, as Jackie drove us to Nomansland and back.

Donkeys made a nuisance of themselves on the road at Bramshaw.

A trio of guinea fowl were engaged in their customary pecking up ticks at Nomansland,

while an enforced hiatus in the cricket match in progress was brought about by an injury to a player who received a ball on the forehead. One of the players in the second picture appears to be indicating the point of contact.

The last three pictures in this gallery of the action are Jackie’s. The rest are mine. Those feeling so inclined may count how many balls are in the air in my set. Enlargement in the gallery may be helpful.

The first picture featuring spectators is mine, the other three, by Jackie,

who also photographed scenes in and around the soggy pool, where,

as we were leaving, a pony and her very young foal were to drink. The first five are my pictures, the next five, Jackie’s.

This evening we dined on meaty pork spare ribs; tender green beans; and Jackie’s colourful savoury rice and moist ratatouille.


    1. Only read 50 pages so far. The writing certainly flows and represents Charlotte’s own grim life. Thanks very much, Donna

  1. The foal is so cute! Beautiful animals. We don’t play Cricket here but we do have Curling, even here in the desert. Happy weekend!

  2. Do you miss playing cricket, Derrick? Great photos. Do you have a list of books you plan to read since it seems you always have another immediately available? Do you buy books, check them out of the library or have a good sized personal collection?

  3. Such beautiful photos by both you and Jackie. And such a different world where you have donkeys in the road, and a pony and her foal on the green by a cricket match! Jane Eyre’s a book I know well, though it’s been a while since I last read it. At her wedding, our daughter carried a homemade fan with a famous line from the book written on it.

  4. What a relaxing place to watch a sport from – much better than a noisy crowded stadium. Jackie’s pool reflections are beautiful and mysterious. You two sure know how to enjoy your town and the surrounding countryside.

  5. I do love to see the cricket whites on our village green in the summer, but it’s been a while since I stopped to watch a game.

  6. Those are beautiful photos from both of you, but especially love the mare and foal.

    I cringed just thinking about the cricket player getting hit in the head.

  7. Equine and fowl and cricketers! Oh, my! 🙂 And Oh, YAY! 🙂 All wonderful photos, Jackie and Derrick!!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️
    PS…I didn’t see as many airborne balls as Ivor did…maybe I need to put my reading glasses on and recount!

  8. Ouch! A ball on a forehead must cause a bad headache. Love the photos from both of you, especially Jackie’s water reflections.

  9. I love Jackie’s photos of the reflection pool.
    Jane Ayre? I also read it about 60 years ago, as a teenager and in Russian. Perhaps I should re-read it now, and in English.

  10. I wonder if the Nomansland cricket pitch has moved since I played there in thr 1970s. Then the war memorial sat at deepish extra cover/ midwicket and if thr ball hit it thr umpire gave a victory sign to the scorers as the ball was dead and the result was a half boundary.

    1. I don’t think it has moved. I was sitting on a concrete platform at the back of it

  11. You and Jackie wore out your clicking fingers today… so many lovely photos!! I was not inclined yo count the balls, but I trust Ivor… there were 12 or more!!

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