Meds Week 1

Until now I have kept quiet about last Thursday night’s fall, when I tripped on the steps into the bedroom carrying laundry and attempting to switch on the light; I cracked my head on the bottom of the door frame into the en suite bathroom, cut my ear, already thick from years in the rugby second row, and flayed a large chunk of skin from the back of my right hand. This looked very nasty. I then had to heave myself up to the bed – the ability to turn onto my knees and and use them was the best part of the event.

Jackie did her best to clean up the major wound and seal it with Melolin – so successfully that, although it wasn’t supposed to, it adhered to the flesh. After being bandaged up until today this was rather painful and not going to move.

Fortunately I had an appointment with the excellent, caring, and efficient, Gp. Doctor Moody-Jones for a follow up on my UTI sample lab results, who explained that there was no infection, gave me another physical examination which confirmed this, asked me to produce another urine sample for further lab work , and to book an urgent blood test at Lymington Hospital – this I did after Doctor Moody-Jones introduced me to Elaine, one of the practice nurses, who very gently cut away the skin-lined plaster, confirmed it uninfected, and re-dressed it. She also made me appointments for two changes of dressing. The ear and the bandaged hand will be apparent in the photographs Jackie produced over lunch at the Royal Oak.

Our neighbourhood pub, after its second flood in twelve months, very shortly after Matt and Carol’s taking over has been subject to repairs until this very opening day. The front doors are now fitted with flood defences.

A usual, Jackie took these photographs, including some of the interior.

The full menu was whisked away before we ate, so the only menu she photographed was that of Bar Snacks.

We both enjoyed our chosen meals – Jackie’s crispy chicken burger,

and my fish and chips. Mrs Knight drank Diet Coke and I drank a zesty Cornish beer termed Proper Job.

The very attentive service was friendly and efficient; the gentle background instrumental recorded music suited the relaxed atmosphere. We were their first customers since reopening.

There will no doubt be many more, including me.

Later this sultry afternoon we took a short forest drive.

Sluggish water slowly streamed across reflective waterlogged fields along St Leonards Road;

a pair of Mallards practised ducking and diving in the pond beside Exbury Road;

foxgloves adorned the ramshackle shed at Pilley.

Jackie will enjoy a salad this evening. Probably because I consumed half of her chips as well as my own, I needed no more sustenance.


  1. Dang Dude, you need to be more careful. Glad you already had a medical appointment coming up and the doctor could include the expanded need for his services. Lunch sounds yummy and I love how you admit to snacking on Jackie’s chips as well as your own. Her willingness to share a treat like that is evidence of love.

  2. Oh my! I’m glad you didn’t suffer a concussion from the fall. I think I remember Jackie has nursing or first aide skills? You look great in the photo, despite everything. The pub is very attractive on the inside with the fireplace and cushioned booth, and your meals look delicious. I love the mallard diving photos. 🙂

  3. We all have to take a little more care when we’re doing things at our age. Hope you quickly recover.

  4. Any fall that you can get up from is a thing to be thankful for. Do be careful, you can’t guarantee to bounce every time. Hope it continues to heal and that the further tests reveal nothing of concern. You are very lucky to be married to a woman who shares her chips. They re not all like that. Some wield a fork like a harpoon . . .

  5. Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear you’ve taken a fall with injuries. I’m glad you’re being well-cared for. The pub looks very comfortable and homey. I love the diving duck photos!

  6. Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. (sad face) I hope everything heals well.
    The photos are lovely today, Jackie and Derrick! I especially love the ducking and diving photos, the shed photos AND the reflection/water photos!
    Is Doctor Moody-Jones ever moody? Ha! Just teasing!
    When my kids were preschoolers their pediatrician (an amazing and wonderful young doctor) was Dr. Payne. I teased him and told him it was tough telling the little ones they were going to see Dr. Payne (pain)! Eek! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️

  7. I’m sure that Jackie has said something like this- but you really need to be careful and not fall! Given your description of your injuries, you looked very well and fine in the photo. Perhaps that is the magic of a good pub! ☺️

  8. Wow Derrick, I’m so glad that you are okay! That was a nasty spill you took! You look very well in the pub, the food looks so delicious too. Be well!

  9. You are certainly in the wars this past week, I’m so sorry about the nasty fall and your injuries adding to everything else.

    I’m pleased the Royal Oak has reopened, it looks lovely inside, and as late as it is, I could just eat those chips! Take care and Stay safe. 🙂

  10. The Royal Oak looks very salubrious Derrick … as for your fall … at least you didn’t end up breaking a hip … enough said …

  11. ow, ow and ow. Oh Derrick, I’m so pleased there’s no infection. Mind you, weren’t you on antibiotics after eye surgery? Anywhere, stay well. You have a good nurse in Jackie. I must say though, you do look well in the photo. I always take photos of ducks doing dives. They fascinate me. Good buoyancy.

  12. It appears to me that your “meds” have greatly increased your deep, insightful, knowledge of human nature and improved study of relationships as you review the work of Sigrid Undset. What a delightful picture this is, Derrick!!

  13. It hurts just thinking about your accident, Derrick! I had to look up Melolin. I had not heard of it. It sounds like a good thing to keep on hand. Jackie takes good care of you!

    I like the “bottoms up” duck photos. 🙂

  14. That sounds nasty. How fortunate to have an excellent nurse at home in the guise of Jackie and an excellent GP who is clearly thorough. Take care, Derrick!

  15. Oh, no! That seems like a nasty fall, Derrick. I am glad you were able to get medical attention in a timely manner. The neighborhood pub sounds delightful and looks to be very cozy.

    1. Thanks very much, Sherry. We do have a couple of those, but not just there.

  16. Oh dear, sorry to hear of your tumble. Thank goodness for nurse Jackie ???? Sounds like you have a good Dr too.
    Hope you soon recover. Just take good care xx ????

  17. Taking a blogging break, but I had to check in on you when I saw your post. So sorry to read about your fall. Oh, my! Hope the healing goes well.

    1. Thanks very much, Laurie. Knowing you are taking a break makes me appreciate your comments even more

  18. Even with our resilience, we do need to be more careful as we get older. I’m glad you have good people taking care of you. Great duck diving photo!

  19. So sorry to read about your very nasty fall – you were lucky to have been out and about so quickly after it. I trust it is much better now.

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