I Didn’t Leave The Car

On a grey overcast morning, after Jackie shopped at Nisa Local in Stopples Lane, we took a forest drive on which I remained in the car while producing pictures of the journey. This was the first time I had left the house since my operation on 25th.

Nisa is fundamentally a refurbished subsidiary of the previous Coop shop. It is no longer a cooperative but happy to sell produce of the Coop. I’m sure there is some logical process to this.

Apart from having removed the useful hole in the wall cash machine, and changing the frontage, the outlet looks pretty similar to me, although as I said I remained in the vehicle while a gentleman leant on the railings while he enjoyed a phone conversation.

A determined cyclist made his way up the steeply undulating Holmsley Passage.

Further down we passed a large rambling wild rose and a damp moorland landscape bearing cotton grass.

From my passenger seat I enjoyed the sight of splendid magnolia blooms in someone’s garden; wild woodbine, rowan berries, and bramble blossom; and a five barred gate to an upland field.

Ponies, foals, and cattle had begun to gather sheltering along Forest Road, causing chaos by hindering the traffic.

The powerfully heady scent of privet rising above the hedgerow along Beckley Common Road permeated the air around and within our car.

This evening we all dined on King’s House Chinese takeaway fare, the portions providing second helpings for tomorrow.


  1. Lovely photos, Derrick, I too shoot from the car fairly often. I’m glad that you are out and about! ????

  2. I have written a Limerick about your lovely photo of the foal resting on its knees and I’ll post the photo and limerick on my website for tomorrow, Derrick …

    “Under the Weeping Trees”

    Resting here on my knees
    Under the tall weeping trees
    Waiting for my anxious mother
    She’s out looking for my silly brother
    He’s randy and went chasing the pretty fillies

  3. Thank you for all the photos Derrick. I am glad you are able to go out. I was reading about privet. Here in Germany we see many flowers that we don’t see in India. As we walk near the fields we see apple and pear trees by the roadside.

  4. Who says remaining in the car would be boring? I am glad you have got out of the house – it is good to see some scenery other than indoors 🙂

  5. For someone who didn’t leave the car, you still got amazing views and shots.
    Good to know you are feeling well and recovering.

  6. I’m glad you were able to enjoy a short drive with Jackie; you gave us a fabulous selection of photos. I love the one of the little used gate, perfectly framed.

  7. Good to see you’re feeling up to getting out of the house, Derrick. It’s surprising what you can see from the passenger seat!

  8. A lack of ambulatory actvty doesn’t seem to have damaged your ablty to fnd that tellng shot. Meanwhle, seem to have lost the letter between “h” and “j” agan. t returned brefly n a comment to TP, then dsappeared half way through!

      1. A trouble shared is a trouble halved, as they say. Sorry to hear you are experiencing this problem too. Yesterday my log in page seemed to have changed so I suspect there may be other forces at play – perhaps “improvements”.

        1. Most likely. The good thing about the trouble shared is that it made me realise there was no problem with my keyboard.

  9. I am glad you are out and about, even if you are still not out of the car. Little by little!
    It seems that representatives of all kinds of forest fauna came out in drove to greet you.

    1. Thanks very much, Crystal. Having grown up in London where so many gardens had privet hedges kept well clipped I had never smelled the powerful scent until about 15 years ago

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