Late this morning we took a trip to the north of the forest in order to brunch at The Potting Shed Café at Hyde. We had enjoyed it so much on Saturday with Jessie that we wanted to go back.
From Holmsley Passage I photographed some heather scenes for John Corden;
Dog walkers and cyclists made way for us to pass on the road.
We pulled into Smugglers Road carpark to picture standing ponies and a prone foal.
We were some way from our goal when I spotted that we were about to run out of petrol. The only chance of finding any more was to make it to the busy main road to Ringwood. Which we did. And turned left. And ran out of Petrol. Opposite a bus stop.
As we sat wondering who to call,
with the tailback building up behind us while we blocked traffic in each direction while oncoming vehicles paused to allow
those behind us to pass and continue on their way, David came to our rescue. He was on his way home from Ringwood. He turned round, drove Jackie back in the direction from which he had travelled, stopped at a garage where she bought a can and a gallon of fuel which he poured into our tank having driven her back to me sitting in the Hyundai, and waited until our engine fired up at first turn of the key. We couldn’t thank him enough. Next time we travel to Hale from whence he hails we hope to meet him again.
Ponies gathered on the green at North Gorley, and those forcing traffic onto the sward don’t seem to have moved since the 17th.
Splendid sunflowers tower above the fence to The Potting Shed Café, where Jackie produced photographs of both establishment and meals:
she chose very fresh and tasty blue cheese and walnut salad; I enjoyed a repeat of my last meal there:
The Full Works breakfast, with best quality ingredients, and water. In the first picture the hash brown is obscured by the authentic black pudding, and the herby sausage by the bacon in the second.

On our return through Bransgore Jackie photographed Tom and Jerry decorating a postbox.
For a late, light, supper Jackie chose asparagus soup and salad; mine was scrambled egg on toast. I drank water.
You lucked out. Delightful looking lunch and flowers. The crocheted cheese looked real from a distance.
Thanks very much, Pat.
Good Samaritan, good food and good pictures! You have it made!
Thank you very much, John
You saw lots of pretty ponies today, guys! The man who helped get your petrol is a super nice man, God bless him! You are looking sharp there, Derrick, so well dressed. I love Tom and Jerry and grew up watching those cartoons, they are so cute on top of the post box! ❤️☺️
Thank you very much, John
You’re welcome, Derrick. 🤙🏻
How fortunate you seem to be when trouble happens! Thank goodness for good samaritans. Great photos, as always.
Thank you very much, Merril
You’re welcome, Derrick!
Well, that was a bit of an adventure!
Well, that was a bit of an adventure!
Thanks very much, Kim
Yay for the good Samaritan! There are decent and kind people in the world. Somehow the indecent and unkind make a bigger splash. Drat them! Food looks great. Tom and Jerry are very cute.
Thank you very much, Laurie
David is such a wonderful helper! Good Samaritan, indeed! So glad he came your way!
The sunflowers beautiful! The ponies sweet! Tom and Jerry bringing memories of joy! The food yummy to eat!
We are growing sunflowers this year. They are doing well!
Continued prayers and healing thoughts for you this week.
(((HUGS))) for you and for Jackie!! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much from each of us, Carolyn XX
Been thinking of you today for all to go well.
Beautiful sunflowers. Looks like a wonderfully spent day.
Thank you very much, Andy
You’re welcome.
Petrol doesn’t seem to get us very far these days. I assume you filled the care before you returned home. It just can’t be Jackie’s fault. Must be yours Derrick. 😉 I enjoyed today’s road trip. Thank you.
Of course. I was in fact the one who noticed it – rather too late. Thanks very much, Chrissy
I would eat both meals 😀
Thank you very much, Ilze. I am still unable to like or comment on your posts. The only options are Share and Repost
I’ll check and see what is going on!
I have two of your comments in the SPAM! I can’t believe – why!?
As an electric car owner, it cheers me up to read about drivers running out of petrol. It is an antidote to all the stories in newspapers about how rotten the charging system is for us. Thank you for putting it in your post.
🙂 Thank you very much, Tootlepedal
How wonderful, a good samaritan helped you out! Good food needed after that bit of stress.
Thank you very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Thank goodness David came to your aid… Love the photos Derrick and it didn’t spoil your trip too much . And your meal looked delicious…
Sending both some hugs xx
Thank you very much, Sue XX
Yep, the car needs to be fed before ‘the road trip’ … oh well, things worked out ok, and the Potting Shed Cafe looks very interesting, Derrick
Thanks very much, Ivor
Hooray, for the good Samaritan! Love the Tom and Jerry decoration 🙂
Thank you very much, Rosaliene
I’m very thankful David stopped to help, and you made it to the cafe. That salad looks interesting. Nice sunflowers.
Thank you very much JoAnna
I’ve run out of gas only once, in 2011. My mother was in the hospital at the time, and I was doing a lot of running back and forth — and simply neglected to watch the gas gauge. It’s funny that I remember exactly where I was, but I don’t remember how I got underway again. I suspect I called AAA, the road service I belong to. They make a good business out of being official good Samaritans; they’ll change tires, unlock cars, jump batteries, and bring gas — not to mention providing tows if a car breaks down. For only US$50 a year, it’s well worth it.
The last time I ran out of petrol was in 1966 on Piccadilly Circus. I left the car there, took a can to a garage and poured the fuel into the vehicle which was still there. Those were the days. Thank you very much, Linda
Don’t we just end up surprised when we run out of petrol? Thank goodness for good Samaritans and when they are not around, CAA (or AAA in the States) are just a phone call away.
So love that photo of the blue desk with the Potting Shed sign!
Thank you very much, Dale
Hooray for David! My son and I ran out of petrol on a country road some years ago. He felt embarrassed by me photographing the container of fuel being poured into the tank by our rescuer – it proved to be a salient lesson though. I am pleased the rest of your journey turned out to be splendid.
Thanks very much, Anne
Lucky you 🙂 That Tom and Jerry decorated postbox is so cute 🙂
Thank you very much, Riba
The photos are interesting. Ponies look sweet always. The cafe is lovely. So beautifully made.
Thank you very much, Kritika
My pleasure 🙂
I’m so glad a Good Samaritan in the form of David came to your rescue.
I’m so glad you photographed your lunch, thank you for doing so.
I hope things are improving and the antibiotics have kicked in.
Off for the cystoscopy in half an hour – that’s if the surgeon agrees. Thanks very much, Sue
I hope all went well. 🙂
Thank goodness for Good Samaritans!
Now that was a day for the story books! I do like a happy ending.
A timely rescue and a good meal. I am glad you are both safe, Derrick and Jackie.
I’ve been thinking of you today. (21st) Hope and pray all is going well. Hope you are resting and get a good sleep tonight.
(((HUGS))) for you and Jackie ❤️❤️
Thanks very much from each of us, Carolyn XX
Thank You for the heather and for sharing the feeling of running out of petrol. The other day chanced to make a detour through a tunnel that runs under the Yarra River in Melbourne. I was concerned the whole time that my 25 YO car would break down while I was driving as there was bumper to bumper in three lanes and nowhere to pull off. I usually avoid tunnels and always vow never to use them again.
Thanks very much, John
Wonderful day out, and yeah to whoever crochet Tom & Jerry, what a fun way to share and display art in the community.
Thanks very much, msw
Good thing you were helped by a friend. Love all your photos Derrick.
Thank you very much, Arlene
Even the car misadventure could not mar the lovely day, as evident by your photos, Derrick and Jackie.
Thanks very much from each of us, Dolly
You are very welcome, both of you.
Rather careless Derrick. Is the fuel gauge broken?
Careless yes. Broken fuel gauge no. Thanks a lot, Andrew
Lucky you chanced upon a Good Samaritan. Love the yarn bomb.
Thanks very much, Sheree
I like the full works breakfast… A good way to “wash down” the day’s worries.
Sorry about that. Running out of gas (petrol for you guys) must be a nightmare. Good you were on a somewhat busy road and the Good Samaritan showed up…
I would imagine you’r in the middle of or over your cystoscopy. Best wishes.
Thanks very much, Brian
So glad a helpful motorist stopped to help y’all. That cafe certainly seems like a winner! Delicious-looking food in a delightful unique atmosphere. Well done. Keep up with the water. ~Ed.
Thanks very much, Ed
What an adventure! Running out of petrol is an obsessive fear of mine.
Thanks very much, Sylvie
Quite the adventure! I’m always surprised by the horses lying flat on their sides..true all-out relaxation!
Thanks very much, Judy
Derrick and Jackie – is everything alright? Much love to you both, Lavinia
Thanks very much, Lavinia. I think you are up to date, now
Continuing to think about you and your recent medical test.
(((HUGS))) and ❤️ to you and Jackie
Thanks very much, Carolyn XX
Adding another comment here that I hope all is going well. I hope you’ve had the cystoscopy and are now recovering. Sending positive thoughts your way. <3
Thanks very much, Merril XX
I like your stile of life. Every single day you are going somewhere to walk, to see, to make pictures, to have a breakfast or dinner. All the time on the go. Keep going this way and stay healthy!
Thanks very much, Alexander
Hooray for David helping you out of a sticky situation. You would never run out of petrol here in South Africa. Too dangerous. I always fill up before I get to 1/4 mark. A fabulous meal and gorgeous countryside.
Thank you very much, Robbie
It is great when people step up and help others who are stranded as you were. Great post, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Dwight
You are welcome.