Forewarned But Forestalled

This fourth tale in The Folio Society selection of stories of Maria de Zayas, introduced in, has a change of mood, of power; and a humorous theme.

This time clever women are the tricksters and men the victims of their jokes and deceit. The first fool was “so chastened by his experiences that he now scorned all women without exception, a sentiment quite contrary to reason, because for each wicked woman there are a hundred good ones. Not all women are wicked and it is not just to blame all for the crimes of a few. But he maintained once and for all that there was no trusting them, especially the clever ones, because they, from having ben calm and sensible, suddenly became flighty and vicious and took men in with their cunning wiles.”

The author closes with “I can now bring to an end this amazing story, which was intended as a warning to those ignorant people who condemn brains in a woman…..and if a woman is going to be bad, she will be bad whether she is clever or stupid, though in the first case she is more likely to b able to control herself.”

Here is Eric Fraser’s faithful illustration to this story.


  1. I consider this a balanced collection with the inclusion of a story about clever/wicked women. The woman should not be underestimated, for when they are bad, they can be just as vicious as their male counterpart.

  2. Wow! It’s tragic that a lot of ignorant people still feel that way about women.
    A great review, Derrick!
    The illustrations are filled with such movement, power, and emotions.
    How are you feeling today? Hope you are getting some rest.
    (((HUGS))) for you and Jackie!! ❤️❤️

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