Exploring The Sandpit

A dull, overcast, morning made way for a bright, clear blue sky afternoon, early on which we drove to Ringwood’s in-excess for Jackie to buy a present.

We diverted to Sopley Mill where rippling reflections enhanced the shallow waters, and

a female pheasant failed to keep out of sight.

While Jackie carried out her shopping I stayed in the car and noticed

that someone had lowered the tone as

I inspected the view of the landscape down Poulner Hill seen beyond a lichen covered tree.

An exploration was under way on Rockford Sandpit.

This evening Elizabeth joined us at The Smugglers Inn in Milford on Sea for their Chinese New Year celebration menu. It is now too late and I am too stuffed to do it justice, so I will feature it tomorrow.


  1. I’m so sorry you saw such a toxic cap there! It’s disgusting, but I’m glad that’s all there was, and you had the beauty around you to erase it.

    I’m salivating at the thought of your Chinese New Year celebration dinner!

  2. I like all your photos, Derrick. It looks like a fine Spring day in March. Thereโ€™s a city in America named Rockford, not far from Chicago. It has a small liberal arts school, Rockford College, from which my wife and I matriculated. Itโ€™s been upgraded to a University since we graduated. I wonder where the sandpit got its name.

  3. My youth spent on a gold mine makes me wish to warn those exploring the ‘cave’ in the sandpit of the dangers of it collapsing on them! Lovely scenery today and I look forward to reading about your dinner.

    1. Thank you very much, Anne. I don’t think that new hole in the pit goes in very far – wise words though.

  4. I forgot to mention previously that the Chinese New Year meal sounded excellent. In case you didnโ€™t see it, I read and reviewed Perceptions. Your photographs were lovely.

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