Dawn Pigeons Progress

Once light began to filter over Downton pre-dawn this morning

pink-tipped clouds were visible over Christchurch Road, until

eventually sun-up stirred the wood pigeons to emerge onto their customary perches

on our garden’s copper beech

and into canoodling on the telegraph wires facing the house. Usually the avian ladies play hard to get, but one gentleman struck lucky today.

This afternoon I set about culling once more. If I could find them I would keep only the deer from

similarly I will only keep Sam in the Den in Summer ’85 and those from Flo onwards in

I will only keep the book cover photograph from

Long term readers will be familiar with

referred to in the above post link. Those who do not know it may not be surprised to know that I have retained all the pictures.

Later, I read a little more of ‘The Brontës’, until Elizabeth visited for a cup of tea and a chat.

As my sister was leaving, the crescent moon was paying his respects to Venus.

This evening we dined on breaded Southern fried chicken, baked gammon, cauliflower cheese, carrots, and runner beans with which I finished the Fleurie.


    1. Thank you very much, Pat. Getting up early is my norm – that’s when I go through all my comments and other people’s posts – so good morning – ; yesterday it was dark before 6.

      1. I don’t remember much about Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, but clearly the names stuck! And who knows? Maybe pigeons do make pilgrimage from time to time!

        1. I’ve never been able to face that. I thought the names must have been a quotation from something. Thank you for elucidating

  1. What a beautifully observed morning scene, Derrick—your dawn pigeons certainly know how to welcome the day! I enjoyed the gentle humor of the lucky suitor and the seamless way you wove past and present into your reflections. A lovely read, as always.

  2. “Birds on Wires” always fascinate me, Derrick …

    “Birds on wires sit motionless
    Waiting for a thermal updraft
    To lift them beyond this world of smallness
    Where greed and senseless wars
    Remain the leader’s primary craft”

  3. Great photos, Derrick! The moon and Venus are frequently close in the desert at home too. Have a great week.

  4. OH! Such beautiful photos! Some sweet photos, too! Especially love the canoodling birds and the moon paying respects to Venus! 🙂 The two of them were so bright and big in the sky last night here. Living at 5400+ foot elevation, the moon, stars, etc., seem so close. We enjoy night walks to commune with them. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️

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