“Then There Were Two”

Early on this cold-bright morning, in readiness for a forest drive, Jackie scraped ice off the car windscreen through which

figures along the Milford-on-Sea promenade were silhouetted against the sky above the Isle of Wight.

Alongside Pilley’s Bull Hill cattle occupied the moorland

where, on the road to Beaulieu, sheet ice cracked its waterlogged surface.

Black-hued moorhens sought sustenance on one bank of Little

Hatchet Pond, while a white, reflected, egret waited, poised to dive from the other;

as I prepared to picture three cormorants engaged in similar activity on the main branch of the lake, one flew off.

As Jackie said “then there were two”.

Ponies wandered among the burnt gorse at East Boldre, where mossy

branches were reflected in another winterbourne pool.

This afternoon I watched the Six Nations rugby match between Scotland and Ireland.

Dinner this evening consisted of Jackie’s delicious chicken and vegetable stewp and fresh crusty bread, with which I drank Château Les Fermenteaux Bordeaux 2021.


  1. Whilst you’ve still icy and cold in my neck of woods, the summer rages on. Yesterday kicked off with much sun and it didn’t drop in 20+ temps until about 10pm, although the sun had disappeared
    Not quite sure what we’ve in for today, but the cicadas are sizzling…

  2. Beautiful scenery and I enjoyed seeing the varieties of birds. We are still having springlike weather, which I doubt will last much longer.

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