Early Morning Light

We began work in the garden early, because we knew it would be a hot day. In addition to all her general labours, Jackie spent much time scrubbing surfaces, such as the slippery decking, and pigeon poo on chairs and benches. My task was a certain amount of dead heading and feeding of the compost bin, but mostly, taking advantage of the diffused light before the sun had risen too high.

This deep red climbing rose was inherited from our predecessors in a sorry, straggly, state, yet now thrives under the Head Gardener’s loving care.

This New Dawn, a present from Poppy and Tess, is now beginning to scale the gazebo.

This recent purchase is a climber called Brownie, which was bred by Nola M. Simpson in New Zealand before 2009.

The first of these clematises is accompanied by a bottle brush plant and a Chilean lantern tree; the second by a Rosa Glauca.

The bottle brush plant glimpsed above is the red one now coming into bloom; the climber Wedding Day spans the Brick Path.

Most hanging baskets have now been planted up.

Several hebes are flourishing. Jackie is very pleased with this sculptural eryngium.

A variety of day lilies abound.

Readers will be aware that we have one honey-scented cordyline Australis. We didn’t know ourselves that we have three more on the west side of the garden which we have not noticed flowering before.

Pale pink Penny Lane and bright red Super Elfin have happily settled on the Gothic Arch.

Peach Abundance flowers in the Oval Bed just outside the Rose Garden, among whose residents are

an unknown deep pink climber; red Roserie de l’Hay; red and white striped Rosa Gallica and yellow Laura Ford; poppies and foxgloves; pink and yellow Summer Wine; bright red Gloriana; and golden Crown Princess Margareta.

This afternoon we spent an hour with Mum, who was in good spirits, in the garden of Woodpeckers.

Afterwards I watched a memorable Wimbledon tennis match between Angelique Kerber and Sara Sorribes Tomo.

This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s delicious beef and onion pie with flavoursome Jersey Royal potatoes; crunchy carrots; tender runner beans, and meaty gravy, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Cotes du Rhone.


      1. Thanks for the link, it is a nice video. When I was a boy and the song came on the wireless I thought the line was “I’ll tell you now of some thaI know, though I miss you Shirley Parton”

  1. The Head Gardener has done such a great job with that wonderful velvety red rose – as she has with all your lovely roses.
    New Dawn is one of my favourites; so beautifully named and so very attractive – strong and delicate at the same time!

  2. The flowers, especially those roses, are very beautiful, Derrick and Jackie. I am glad you were able to spend time with your mother. I like “the garden of Woodpeckers”.

    It is cool and cloudy here today, very pleasant after all the recent heat.

  3. Your roses are glorious! The whole garden is looking wonderful under the Head Gardeners care. I am pleased your Mum is doing well. We had a mainly dry day today but still very cloudy and chilly.

  4. Derrick,how tall is your Cordtline Australis? I know they grow to over 2m, with long flowers, maybe nearly a 1m. My dad had a magnificent one in his garden at Tullawalla…

    1. That’s so true, sometimes D tells me about a flowering plant that I have simply missed!

  5. Penny Lane is a pretty name for a pretty flower. Discovering three exotic Australis plants in the western region of the garden adds to the adventure of exploring your territory. I’m glad your mum is in good spirits.

  6. Wowie Zowie…those roses! I want to buy myself a Floribunda Climber, heavy on the scent, I love the ones that form..like..ranunculas. Some day.

  7. What a magnificent array. I’ve been going through my photo philes and saw your garden as it was in winter two years ago. What a difference a season makes!

      1. It does depend what effect you want, plus the setting. Eg the Parthenon in Athens looks fine in the midday glare 😊

  8. Hey, neat to discover more cordyline Australis. It is one of my favourite things about occupying a new place that once had a garden: with time, surprise plants show up. It has been some years that you have been there, and I think it’s great that there are still surprises. You both did so much work and Jackie, bless you for the scrubbing. But it must be done.

  9. Now that I no longer garden, it’s fun stopping by and viewing your beautiful garden. The roses are especially gorgeous. Between you and Geoff I get my garden fix 🙂

      1. You’re welcome, Derrick. Oh, and I do love how you and your wife work in so well with the gardening work. Then manage to end the day with superb food. Great teamwork.

  10. A delighful tour of your garden Derrick. Recently I visited a local rose garden and the highlight was shooting the David Austin Wedding Day roses.

  11. For sure is not easy but I think the work in the garden is so rewarding! Everything seems to say “thank you” for all the hard work! Everything looks absolutely beautiful!

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