On another rather sultry morning we made good progress in

weeding the Rose Garden, thus giving breathing space to blooms such as

roses peach/orange Mamma Mia; pure white Margaret Merrill; pinkish Alan Titchmarsh; the recently righted New Dawn; and plants such as penstemon put in for variety.
Later, I read four more chapters of David Copperfield and scanned a page containing a Charles Keeping illustration for each one.

‘It was Miss Murdstone who was arrived, and a gloomy-looking lady she was’

Readers who have been following this series of Keeping’s illustrations to Dickens’s novels will know that the artist uses larger figures in the foreground to indicate receding perspective. In ‘Still, nobody appeared to claim the dusty youngster from Blunderstone, Suffolk’ the diminutive such figure shows how small is the boy.

‘The wooden-legged man turned me about again, with my face to Mr Creakle, and posted himself at Mr Creakle’s side’

‘ ‘I take my leave of you’, said Mr Mell’
This afternoon I watched the Wimbledon Tennis match between Dan Evans and Sebastian Korda.
We dined this evening on the last portion of Jackie’s splendid beef pie, amplified by minced cooked with onions, mushrooms and peas; crunchy carrots and cauliflower; and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Cotes du Rhone.
I then settled down to watch the tennis match between Andy Murray and Denis Shapovalov.
Your pretty pink tinged Penstemon is so lovely – I’ve spent the afternoon planting out cuttings of the deep purple Raven variety and am intrigued by your much lighter flowers. It’s a flower that really earns its space!
The detail on Keepings drawings, whether of people of buildings, is exquisite – a treat to be able to see them.
Thank you very much, Emma. Jackie planted Ravens a year or two back and doesn’t know where they are – a first in itself 🙂
That’s so funny! Having got them last year as my first Penstemons I am really taken by the plants… but seeing your much lighter variety yesterday, I did feel that my ravens are so dark that they recede and can be difficult to spot – either that, or perhaps Jackie’s owls have had a word with the Ravens, and they’ve flown away!!
🙂 Laughter from us both
The garden certainly shows that it gets a lot of TLC. I love Cotes du Rhone. Yum…..
Thanks very much, Pat
With no Nadal my interest in Wimbledon has withered and died. Instead I am watching the Euros and Le Tour.
Jackie howled with laughter at this. 🙂 Thanks a lot, Sheree
So beautiful, nobody can garden as well as the British! ❤️🇬🇧
Thanks very much, John. The weather helps enormously
Sounds like a well rounded day.
It was, Mrs W. Especially trying to draft the post between the work and the matches 🙂 Thanks a lot
I understand. Sometimes it is hard to write the post you want when life is busy.
Your garden is beautiful as always, Derrick. And the David Copperfield illustrations are fabulous. 🙂
Thank you so much, Diana
always a delight to see your garden, a labor of love. the illustrations are amazing.
Thank you very much, Lola
That’s quite a unibrow on Miss Murdstone!
🙂 Thanks very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
That’s what I thought, too, Liz. Keeping did a great job of illustrating Dickens’ description of Miss Murdstone!
He did
A day of penance for patriotic tennis watchers.
🙂 Indeed – whichever side of the border we are. Thanks a lot, Tootlepeda
I imagine his street scenes will become more and more valuable as historic renderings of old London when all has been pulled down and ‘modernised’.
I think so, John. Thanks very much
Whoops .. your 3rd scan didn’t work for me Derrick … but you’ll know I loved the 2nd scan/illustration ..
Thanks a lot, Ivor. Blip now fixed – I think you will find it worth having another look.
I will ..
The third scan hasn’t worked for me, either Derrick but I am enjoying Keeping’s illustrations very much. More heavenly roses!
Thanks very much, Clare. Now fixed.
The close up of Margaret Merrill is exquisite! I also like the Blue Ming and rose petals.
Two of my favourites, JoAnna. It is very difficult to find the right light for Margaret Merrill. Thanks very much
The garden is looking very much tidier — and the flowers are truly flourishing!
Thank you very much, Janet
The third scan remains a mystery for me too, yet the other illustrations are interesting to see – as are the lovely flowers in your garden.
Now fixed, Anne. Thanks a lot.
I really don’t like Wimbledon fortnight and the disruption to the BBC both on TV and radio. I watched a DVD – ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid’
Not a bad alternative – gunslingers instead of batslingers
(The third scan is just blank and its dimensions are given as 0 x 0)
Whoever constructed the path and the patio for the weeded rose garden has done a wonderful job.
Aaron laid the paving, John. Thanks for the alert on the picture. Now fixed
My husband and son are enjoying Wimbledon and foot ball. Though the matches come in the evening for us. My husband is a Federer fan 😊. The roses are so beautiful.
Thank you so much, Lakshmi. For your husband, I wish Federer well
Harmony and peace reign in your beautiful garden, Derrick! A wonderful and atmospheric photo of the fallen rose leaves on the ground and the whole garden feels enchanted! As for David Copperfield, I haven’t read it but with such captivating illustrations I’d be tempted! Enjoy!
Thank you very much, Annika. That is my favourite of these photographs, too
The fragrance in your garden must be amazing.
How come you do not have bugs or insects and you rplants look so clean? I would appreciate a tip or two from the head gardener 😀
Thanks very much, Rupali. All diseased rose petals are removed and not composted. Diluted Systemic Rose Clear around the base – not the spray variety which is harmful to bees. The birds help, of course. Hope this is helpful
Sorry Derrick, this question is for Jackie……
My orange rose is not blooming at the moment. Does this mean it’s time to trim it down; and if so; how far do I trim? I’ve never been the best when it comes o raising roses. 🤪
Thanks a lot, GP. The Head Gardener needs more info. Does the rose have a name? Is it a climber? a rambler? a bush? Where exactly are you?
a bush and Florida – the name i forget
Have a look at this: https://youtu.be/mF6ThdvAA2s
Thank you very much. That does look very helpful. For some reason I never thought to look on youtube!!
It was Jackie’s idea. She also wondered about the heat.
Thank you very much, Jackie! You truly are the Head Gardener!
🙂 from her
What a tidy garden – you should be very proud of all your hard work.
Thanks very much, Sue
The top picture is so exquisite it gets a Maine “wowsah!”
I’m so pleased. It is so difficult to find the light right for that one. Thanks a lot, Laurie
The garden photos are always delightful, Derrick and Jackie. It is nice to see the roses thriving. Our own roses have taken a beating between deer browsing and extreme heat.
I love the illustrations, too 🙂
Thank you very much from us both, Lavinia. I’m pleased you like the illustrations, too
I know I sound boring, but your garden is beautiful. I love your header shot.
Thanks very much, Merril. That could never be boring 🙂
Your green thumb turned a beautiful white in that gorgeous rose! Love it. An interesting post Derrick!
Thanks very much, Dwight 🙂
Gardening and reading, two amazing pleasures!
Thank you so much, Ribana
I have enjoyed your splendid roses, Derrick, and I am delighted to view this set of Keeping’s exceptional illustrations.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.