Becky’s Turn

This morning, Becky took a turn at enjoying Ellie.

Afterwards she drove the young family to a check up appointment at which all was pronounce well.

Meanwhile Jackie and I took a forest drive, mostly focussed on Ober Water,

beside which a fallen tree made its contribution to the ecology,

and a Dalmatian called Pringle set up an alarm call at my presence which did not phase its friendly owners reflected in the stream.

At the Puttles Bridge section of the river a gentleman sat photographing a model car.

On leaving Sway we fell in behind

an antique horse drawn cart which turned right at a junction ahead of us.

This evening we dined on succulent roast chicken; crisp Yorkshire pudding; sage and onion stuffing; firm cauliflower; mixed vegetables in a creamy cheese sauce; tender green beans; and flavoursome gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden; Flo and Dillon, fruit cordial; while I finished the Shiraz.


  1. The photo of Becky holding Ellie is wonderful
    A little walk in the forest allows unexpected meets.
    With this meal the Shiraz was perhaps better in accord than the Bordeaux, Derryck ! ๐Ÿ™‚
    In friendship

  2. Ellie certainly has no shortage of loving and safe shoulders on which to rest! The drive images were varied and fun to observe. Was the young man’s model of a Jaguar XKE?

  3. What beautiful photos of Ellie and Becky!!! Aw! โค๏ธ Ellie is bringing the joy! ๐Ÿ™‚ “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.” ๐Ÿ™‚
    Pringle on duty! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Good to see people having fun outdoors!
    Love the antique cart!
    (((HUGS))) ๐Ÿ™‚ โค๏ธ

  4. It’s always nice to see your family enjoying the littlest ones! And I love your daily drives through the forest — thank you for sharing them here!

  5. Lovely images of Becky with her new granddaughter.

    It seems things are done differently in Hampshire compared to Yorkshire. Up here, following discharge from the hospital, the newly delivered baby is checked at home. A midwife visits daily for the first week of life, and then the visits are gradually phased out; after that, the new mum and baby receive post-natal care from the clinic.

    At least in Hampshire new mums can get on with their daily lives and are not constantly waiting for the knock on the door!

    1. You may have read that when my eldest son Michael was 14 months old we had the first visit from a Health Visitor who was standing on the doorstep as we returned home. She asked for Vivien. I said “We have just buried her”. I never saw her again. Thanks very much, Sue

      1. I had forgotten about the health visitors!

        How awful, though I imagine it may have been a relief not to have further unexpected visits.

  6. There’s nothing like holding a little baby close. Your photos convey that sweet feeling. The antique cart is interesting. Maybe Pringle was saying hello.

  7. We saw our Ellie yesterday also. Ellenore, now three months old, is incredibly cute and doesn’t seem to mind playing pass the parcel. Looks as if she will be a blue-eyed redhead like her dad.

  8. Such lovely photos of Becky with Ellie. I love Ellie’s sleepy smile.

    I’m always amazed at how you make friends with people and animals when you go out to take photos. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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