Along The Garden Paths

One of the consequences of our late mild period of sunshine and showers is the joy of rampant weeds bursting through the soil, the gravel, and the paving of our garden paths.

Martin spent the morning beginning by tackling the Shady Path.

He will be moving on to the gravelled Gazebo Path;

the Heligan Path with grass piercing piles of fallen leaves;

solanum petals speckling autumn leaves on the concrete patio

and the opposite end of the Heligan Path;

random greenery overhung by a fallen hollyhock on the Oval Path;

both ends of the Phantom Path,

and much more.

This afternoon Becky and Flo took a mother and daughter trip with Ellie and pram in Lymington High Street, while Jackie and I took a forest drive which I will feature tomorrow.

We dined this evening on the Culinary Queen’s wholesome chicken and vegetable stewp with fresh and butter. I drank more of the Malbec and Becky drank Diet Coke.


    1. Chemical weed killer, John? I guess there are some mild weed killers but the dangers of most weed killers are linked to leukemia and other cancers as well as poisons the earth – hmmmm

      1. I used Roundup for twenty years in doing commercial lawn work. I am cancer-free and use it around my home in sparing amounts. No worries. Earth will be fine…

        1. well I am glad that you did not get cancer and hope it does not come knocking on your door.
          my neighbor used roundup – and he was healthy until he wasn’t – and looked so good –
          then one day – diagnosed with leukemia – and died six months later
          his drinking alcohol likely added to a depleted liver and who knows that MANY factors that lead up to someone getting cancer – but all cancers relate to a problem with the immune system – and then toxins also play a role – as does sugar – (and the bad industrial seed oils like canola)
          anyhow, three things come to mind

          1) even if I was cancer free – I would still pay attention to research studies (and law suits) that show a correlation to cancer and a product –
          2) the chemicals and toxins are not just about us staying cancer free – they have a devastating impact to the environment – check out Dr Zach Bush to learn about endocrine disrupters and the earth ad all that

          2)some toxins will sneak up later – like the guy my aunt babysat – a smart engineer who got Parkinson’s in his late 70s –
          toxins accumulate in the body and if it were me (not saying to do this John) but if it were me and I had used roundup all those years – I would do Niacin flushing daily to rid some of the heavy metals and other toxins
          and I would also consider doing an “EDTA” cleanse – (takes less than a week) to remove the potential gunk from work, life, and food.
          and I would also stop using round up because the logic behind “I have used it and I am cancer free” does not mean that it is safe or good for human exposure or for the earth

          3) please take a few minutes to consider the serious impact these chemicals (esp Glyphosate) have on the water, air, and ground
          the convenience of going for a quick spray now will cost future generations because it accumulates – and leads to developmental disabilities in children and hurst the bugs and bees and birds. etc

          and even though China is doing more damage than most countries combined as far as toxins go – I do believe the little things we do can add up
          — and John – thanks for your reply – but I was just surprised that you were quick to suggest that someone use spray so quickly –
          plus – a little bit of weed pulling can also be good exercise as it uses the body and can clear the mind –
          sometimes the good old fashioned “actions” help us –
          I know a counselor who has her depressed clients clean their bathroom – and most of them adit to feeling better-
          there is something about moving the body (as I am sure you know) that makes it healthier-

      2. Some people use a mix of vinegar and salt with mixed with water, but I’m concerned about what this does to the worms underneath. I’m impressed that Martin is doing this by hand which is the best.

        1. I agree, weeding by hand is always beat. My mother loved gardening so much and did her weeding with gloves on. I never thought about using the mix you mentioned, it does seem like it could do some damage below.

        2. thanks for the reply – and I hope my comment was not rude –
          I have just seen too many folks use chemicals too quickly –

          and hot water can also work to remove some weeds
          and I wonder if a little raking would work on gravel where the weeds are extra loose?

          either way – it sure can be tiring to pull so many by hand – and I actually hurt my arm from too much repetitive use during my garden years – I was doing everything with the same hand – and I pulled something in my elbow – and so after that healed I did not want to injure it again – it so I alternated hands and pulled less weeds – or pulled them with tools –
          like loosening a dandelion weed with a tool made it 90% easier to then pull by hand

          1. I don’t think your comment was rude. I’ve learned to pace myself and switch hands while pulling weeds. Wearing gloves helps, too.

          2. Great! And switching hands sounds great
            And for me – I have gone to mostly containers and then use thick layers of mulch around the few shrubs that are left – and the best thing is to catch the weeds small – before they root around

            One year I was so exhausted and fatigued and busy – and I walked by small sprouting weeds for weeks until I got to removing them – it probably took four times as long because I put it

            Anyhow – earlier this year we had Japanese knit weed (I think) blow into our area big time and every day I removed about 20 or more small starter weeds
            And each time I was out there pinching out the small one inch starter –
            I smiled to have the time and energy (remembering that depleted season)
            I also try to stretch the hamstrings or squat when removing weeds to get a mini stretch
            joAnna, thanks again for your comment and thanks to John for his

          3. I know what you mean about letting things go. After years of having dogs, we went through a doggie dry spell for a few years and let the wild things take over. Now that I have a dog with high prey drive, I’m working hard to thin out the habitat so i can watch him better. Good idea to squat and stretch instead of just bending over.

          4. Oh enjoy your dog life again! We are enjoying our pups so much
            And I was thinking of this post and comment thread again this week when the Joe Rogan podcast featured a farmer and animal caretaker named Will Harris (podcast #1894) and me Harris noted how he got away from using Roundup and said that he is battling a weed right now that is a little tough to get rid of organically – and he insists NOT to use dangerous roundup but if he did use it – he said the weed would be gone in a “breath” – but he is being patient and paying more to find a natural way!
            Will Harris also shared his journey with understanding more about the INVISIBLE dangers of some herbicides and how he has changed so much since leaving college in the 1970s! Anyhow – a great espouse and more support for the dangerous herbicides and the sad way so many minimize the consequences
            – anyhow – not judging anyone and never want to be rude – but sometimes speaking up has to be done because the dangers are real ….

  1. There is beauty in all of the seasons of nature and your photos capture that beauty!!! 🙂
    I am reminded that there is beauty in all of the seasons of our lives, too. 🙂

    I was just talking with a friend about how we may look, and feel, more like a winter-tree than a spring-tree these days…but we must remember even winter-trees are beautiful, valuable, and needed. 🙂

    I love your “…solanum petals speckling autumn leaves…” photo! 🙂

    YAY for Martin and his good hard work! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂 ❤️
    PS…I spotted an owl! 🙂

  2. A job well done Derrick… and nothing seems to stop the growth of weeds but back breaking hard work, until the next rain showers Lol.. <3
    Have a great weekend both of you <3

  3. Many a winding path Derrick … my path shall lead me to Drysdale on the Bellarine peninsular today, and I’ll be driving myself there, … only 40mins away, but a long trip for me.

  4. There are days of weeding to be done in my garden – all satisfying once completed, which makes the effort worth while!

  5. With the autumn rains come the weeds and grass. For them it is spring again after the summer drought. I am glad you and Jackie have Martin to help you.

  6. Hi Derrick, our rains have started (with a few downpours, not that I’m complaining) and we have the same problem with weeds springing up overnight. Our gardener is also very busy trying to keep them under control.

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