Peas, And How To Eat Them

On this cold, grey, day, after a trip to Milford pharmacy Jackie and I took a local drive.

Many primroses and daffodils bloom on the verges, such as those along Lymore Lane.

On such a day it was perhaps risky to venture into Mabel’s Café at

Shallowmead Nurseries which, with much building work being undertaken, was itself closed. Shallowmead started up just as Covid hit, but has weathered that storm, yet still has much to be done after that serious setback in its development. The extensive carpark, as can be seen, is desperately in need of a level surface.

We struggled to enter the café to find cheerful, friendly, and

helpful staff working in overcoats in a vast recently built hangar of an establishment with somewhat limited heating. We also learned that the menu, seen on the chalkboard above, was of the restricted winter variety.

Although there were quite a number of customers partaking of lunch, I had no difficulty in photographing the interior without invading anyone’s privacy. Some ate at tables and chairs like those illustrated above; others in deep sofas like the one

Jackie sat in while waiting for our food.

The long sliding doors seen above give onto the garden with its tree fountain having water dripping from every leaf and bouncing off fallen ducks beneath. We imagined the windows being flung open in the summer enabling diners to enjoy cool breezes and listen to the cascades.

Perhaps it was the chill greyness of the day that made me feel that my scampi, chips, and peas meal looked rather anaemic and consequently less than appetising. This shows how deceptive appearances can be, for everything tasted good, the peas and tartare sauce exceptionally so.

It is apparent that our table was very low for the purpose of managing a meal such a mine, especially the peas.

There was nothing for it but to tip them out of their pot onto my plate,

knife them onto my fork, bend over carefully, and convey them to the vicinity of my mouth, lobbing them in with hope of accuracy. I am relieved to say that my hand is steadier than I had thought.

Jackie had no such qualms about her cheese and onion panini which was moist and tasty, and served with very fresh salad.

Should we have wanted a dessert we could have used the tongs provided to make a selection from the cabinet shelves.

The background music was tasteful and subdued. Often ignored are the loos, which here are clean, tidy, and really beautifully appointed.

Much money and effort has been invested. This is certainly a venue to revisit in warmer months.

Becky and Ian stayed another night. We all dined on succulent roast chicken and potatoes; crisp Yorkshire pudding; herby sage and onion stuffing; crunchy carrots; tender broccoli, and meaty gravy, with which I drank more of the Malbec and Ian drank Hoegaarden.


  1. You’re title had me anticipating Miss Ellie learning how to eat peas. You did a stellar job. I am not fond of low tables where I have double the chance of wearing whatever I was supposed to be be eating.

  2. I must admit I am not overly fond of eating at low “coffee” tables… especially when it involves “mobile” foods! My first thought was it looked rather anaemic – glad that this book was unfairly judged!

    1. Thank you very much, Dale. I chose those seats because there were no arms on the chairs at the tables – I need them to help me get up.

  3. Your meal did look pale and un-interesting but I am pleased looks weren’t everything and you both ate well. We often have trouble with peas when there is no gravy or other foods to eat them with. I wish the cafe and garden centre well; they have obviously worked very hard and are still trying very hard to keep their clientele.

  4. Peas! Yum! And you are good, experienced pea-eater! I bet nary a pea rolled onto the floor and off on an adventure! Ha!
    This looks like a lovely place to dine! The tree fountain is very beautiful!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    PS… “I eat my peas with honey. I’ve done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny, But it keeps them on the knife.” – Very-Old Saying 🙂 Ha!

    1. One did, but the floor was so clean and the pea so tasty that I picked it up and ate it. Thanks very much, Carolyn XX

  5. Ahem. Herewith, a poem my father taught me in my early years:

    “I eat my peas with honey;
    I’ve done it all my life.
    It makes the peas taste funny,
    but it keeps them on my knife.”

    For years, I thought my father had composed the verse, but in fact it’s one of Ogden Nash’s bits of fun.

  6. The place is lovely. Modern, but inviting. Clean and cozy. As for eating there. I find the seating is too high, or the tables are to low (and too far from the table) which forces the customer into a rather uncomfortable position for eating. As for peas, I thought they serve them in a bowl that you can easily mix them with mashed potatoes or rice. I am not fond of peas, so the bowl would be perfect for me. Worst scenario I can cover the peas with my used paper napkin 🙂
    I only know Jaffa Oranges from my childhood. It was a city in Palestine, before Israel took it.

  7. I’m so glad the food tasted good. Maybe a spoon should be provided for little pots of peas
    Coffee tables are good for just two things, coffee and magazines.

    1. Yes. I chose to sit there because the chairs around the tables didn’t have arms which help me get up. Thanks very much, Sue

  8. I didn’t know what to expect when I read the title of your post! The photos of the process you devised to convey them from low table to mouth were quite comical.

  9. What a delightful looking restaurant. Yes, I’d be tempted to return on a warmer day, too. Hope you enjoyed you Malbec. I had a glass of it with my dinner tonight, too. Cheers, {{{Derrick}}} !!

  10. I’m glad the journey turned out to be worthwhile. It looks like a comfortable place. I appreciate tasteful and subdued music that does not overwhelm eating experience.

  11. Your title reminded me of a story my mother shared of when she travelled abroad with her parents at the age of fifteen: she learned after the first dinner on the ship to order peas with mashed potatoes! We have a delightful place up the road which serves delicious meals – but all at coffee tables. I sometimes place the plate on the arm of the chair.

  12. I love your title, Derrick. I don’t eat peas unless they are in split pea soup plus, they can’t escape that way.

  13. Fun reading, Derrick. Well done re: the peas! I usually get mine with mashed potatoes, then mix them up so the peas have less chance of escaping then hiding somewhere until accidentally discovered months later. 😉

  14. Hi Derrick, I can see that Jackie has her coat on so definitely not a warm place. Nice loos are very important to me. In fact, I rate a restaurant on its bathroom facilities.

  15. Your lunches look delicious, Derrick and Jackie! Nice clean facilities, good food and service are great recommendations. I hope the garden center survives. Covid affected so many businesses. Peas – I will eat them in any form, and like to use a spoon. It is harder for the little rascals to escape. 🙂

  16. Mabel’s will be a nice place to revisit this summer. You’ll know ahead of time that the food is tasty and the bathrooms are clean, which makes such a difference. I’m tall, so I would struggle to eat a meal on such a low table like you. Peas are one of those vegetables that would be better eaten with a spoon, but alas, I’m sure others would look aghast.

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