Fried Egg On Toast

Today was a real scorcher. I set off for the rose garden rather early, intending simply to dig a few holes for the plants plonked yesterday. No such luck. The head gardener had already been out there for an hour. On the south side of the entrance arch had straggled two rather unattractive shrubs. Jackie had decided they had to go, and consequently cut them right back. All that was left were one thick trunk and masses of quite mature suckers. After carting her clippings to the burning pile, I set to with fork, axe, and saw, to remove them. This took quite some time, not helped by the pottery shards, CDs, plant labels, and bits of plastic and polystyrene, typical of our predecessors’ composting, that were tangled among the roots. We then boasted a clear trellis on which to plant the next climbing rose.Arch trellis

That was enough for the morning. After a short break Jackie continued watering, and I ambled down to the corner of Roger’s field and back.

Bidens, cosmos, daisies, and lobelia

Neither of us had known bidens other than the normal yellow,

Bidens and petunias

so we are quite pleased with this unusual variety obtained from Ferndene Farm Shop.

Woodlouse in cobweb

A wayward woodlouse, suspended from a cobweb on a back drive stump, cast a static shadow.

Dappled tarmac

Strong sunlight dappled the tarmac on Downton Lane.

Snail on nettle

A congealed fried egg on nettle toast in the hedgerow revealed itself to be an over-adventurous snail.

This afternoon we planted yesterday’s floral purchases.

Rose garden planting

It is hard to credit that the two salvias, and what we hope is a pot-bound dwarf conifer, are occupying the place by the southern fence where a hidden bath stood a year ago.

Hydrangea climbing

This climbing hydrangea can tolerate the shade it will receive in the corner by the orange shed. Like our other additions it will grow bigger. The logs in the foreground are part of our insect hotel, which has been temporarily moved by Aaron, pending his last section of paving.

I watched two Wimbledon tennis matches on television. In the first, Novak Djokovic beat Bernard Tomic in straight sets. The second took much longer than anticipated, so we consumed our pasta and meatballs in a tomato based sauce, and salad, from trays on our knees, as we watched a thrilling match in which Serena Williams beat Heather Watson by taking the third set 7 – 5. A red Cotes de Bordeaux 2012 helped to mitigate my excitement. Miraculously, my shirt was unscathed.


  1. CDs, polystyrene and pottery shards certainly make for an unusual type of mulch! That two-toned bidens is quite pretty – does have the little burrs that stick to everything (like the yellow one)? The new garden bed is looking splendid. I hope you both had a nice cool drink after working in the heat!

      1. I do hope in the UK that suckers means sprigs growing up from the roots of a tree, as well as someone who fawns inordinately over someone else. Otherwise my comment could be interpreted as more than rude…

  2. I’ve been a bit envious of your weather lately. It’s as though we’ve switched off–nights in the 60’s (F) here and highs during the day in the mid-70s. I’m missing the hot days! And who ever heard of a cold Fourth of July? In any event, I’m fascinated by your bidens…and impressed at the space you give your plants. Lovely.

    1. It is true I do start by giving my plants plenty of space, and pay attention to the height and width measurements on the labels, BUT I then ruin it all by infilling with annuals and anything that needs saving, i.e. little seedling plants from the paths etc. End result is the jungle that is the ‘new bed’featured a few days ago!

      1. Oh, well. I recall liking that, too. It’s hard not to want just a few more plants in the garden. And once they’re properly spaced, if you’re using annuals, you aways have the chance to fix it next year by not interplanting too much!

  3. An unscathed shirt, mraculous, indeed after watching that match! 😋 enjoying the process.

  4. Gardens are so funny in the beginning – makes one stop and wonder will it ever flourish and then one day we look at it’s a dazzling array of gorgeous colors.

  5. You are rapidly turning into my gardening hero. What a day you had and kudos to the stain free dining experience, too!

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