Dawn Over The Isle Of Wight


This morning my muse woke me with a start and uttered something about catching Dawn. What had Dawn done? I wondered. And who was she, anyway? Then it dawned on me. This was an invitation to watch a pink sky over the Isle of Wight. I prised myself out of bed, staggered into some clothes, and joined Jackie who was engaged in defrosting the car windscreen.

Down Downton Lane we hurtled, and came to an abrupt halt in the nearest coastal car park. I kept my eyes open long enough to operate the camera and totter back into the car.

The single baleful eye of The Needles lighthouse gave the impression that the Loch Ness Monster had moved house, and a solitary gull was up early.

This afternoon we shopped at Odd Spot in Burley

Forest road

then went on driveabout. The oaks

Longmead farm

opposite Longmead Farm have all but lost their leaves now.

Horses in rugs

Horses in the field now wear their rugs,


and a vast snuffling sow wandered out to investigate my activities.

Our return trip took us along Rhinefield Ornamental Drive.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s classic liver casserole, mashed potatoes, Β crunchy carrots and green beans. I drank water, and Jackie didn’t.



  1. Thanks for waking up at the crack of dawn to take these gorgeous photo, Derrick. I loved them all, but I particularly enjoyed the last photo of the road and the fence…beautiful!

  2. That is one cute pig (but she won’t stop me from loving bacon). πŸ™‚
    “The RSPCA believes that pigs must not be nose ringed to prevent them from rooting and foraging as the nose ring unreasonably restricts their normal behavioural patterns. Instead, pigs should be provided with alternative substrate to allow foraging behaviour while at the same time preventing adverse effects on the environment.”

      1. Thanks for the link. The pictures reminded me of stopping in the village on our last visit and of finding some more recent ‘witches’ who were doing their thing there.

  3. It seems your muse has it right again – a wonderfully lit sky captured beautifully despite your sleepy camera – and she clears the car windows too. Now if only you could train Jackie to operate the camera just so, you’d never have to get out of bed!! πŸ˜€

  4. Whatever Dawn had done, I’m so glad you caught her! Very strange the shop with the shelves of Matryoshka … I thought I’d missed a bit and you’d nipped off to Moscow for some strange souvenir browsing. But for me the crowing glory of this series HAS to be Mrs Porker – what a beauteous creature! 🐷

      1. Matryoshka are the Russian nesting dolls. They were the only things I could recognise in the decidedly odd Cave d”Ali Baba which as you clearly say must be run by Mrs P for Punk!

  5. Great photos of the trees, particularly the oaks. We have one. It knows no season. The last leaf will fall when the first new one appears.
    Perhaps the next time you have liver casserole you could share Jackie’s recipe with us?

    1. It’s the same in Australia, the dry, brown leaves stay on the oak trees until the following spring.
      Derrick, please warn me in the blog title when you share that liver recipe so I can avert my eyes. Thank you kindly. πŸ™‚

  6. Now wasn’t that worth getting up early for, Derrick πŸ™‚
    Lovely images and as one who rises very late, I did so enjoy your dawn images.

  7. Dawn on a lovely morning is my favourite time of day; and those pictures are glorious, I’d like to witness that.
    Love the lady pig, and feel ashamed; i need capsules made from the pancreas of pigs to keep me alive.
    These are some of the nicest photos of yours that I have yet seen.
    Rather partial to a bit of liver but never casseroled it, will have to give it a try,Perhaps the recipe could be forthcoming? Please.
    I hope that it involves some bacon just love bacon with my liver, and theres the poor pigs in strife again! πŸ™

    1. Many thanks, Brian. The problem with recipes is that the Culinary Queen doesn’t actually use them. She will put her mind to your request ‘sometime’. Maybe next time she makes one.

      1. I understand perfectly Derrick, I’d be lucky to have 2 or 3 of mine written anywhere. I think I’d make a fair cassarole, but I’m not sure about the bacon, sometimes bacon loses all flavour when tossed into a dish that takes a while to cook properly, and I like to do my cassaroles slowly.

  8. Rhinefield Ornamental Drive is gorgeous in its luminosity, Derrick.
    My favorite photographs are those of the rosy lavender layered dawn! These are worthy of framing and making into some kind of church banners for their spiritual connection to the heavens.
    The other parts of your post were entertaining such as the snuffling sow and your delightful liver casserole feast by Jackie. I like liver! Are you not feeling well? Drinking water, Jackie not? hugs to you both xo

  9. You do above and beyond the call of duty to bring us your lovely photos. Well, it saves us from having to get up early. Thanks kindly, again. (You’ve changed your name to Kindly, by the way.)

  10. What a beautiful dawn! I had seen the pictures in my email but seeing them bigger is much better. I love the photographs of the trees at the end too

  11. I really loved the dawn photos at the beginning of your blog. Thanks for sharing. I have been living in Switzerland for the last 8 years but am from Southampton originally and have had some lovely holidays on The Isle of Wight. Thanks for sharing. I have just started a poetry blog here on WordPress in case you are interested in taking a look? Have a good day, Sam πŸ™‚

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