Late this morning, in steady rain, we transported 11 bags of garden refuse and a broken spade that even we couldn’t recycle, to Efford Recycling Centre and came back with a print of a painting of flowers which Jackie had been given because unsold contents of the Reuse Shop were undergoing periodic culling.
Our warm, wet, weather of recent weeks has provided breeding grounds for a myriad of irritating midges. During our dump drive a number of these emerged from the damp rubbish and will be reminding us for a day or two to come.
We call our downstairs loo The Print Room on account of the number of my photographic prints.
Here is today’s new addition.
My lunchtime antiques TV programme doze was interrupted by a telephone call from Alice who was to carry out my BCG procedure at Southampton General Hospital tomorrow. This has been postponed to next week because the vaccine has not arrived.
Later, I finished reading a delightful short story, the draft of a review of which I will use my bonus time to write tomorrow. It will not be posted until Thursday 24th, for reasons which will become clear when it is.
This evening Jackie both produced and photographed our dinner of tempura and salt and pepper prawn preparations; with duck spring rolls on a bed of her colourful savoury rice and a side of succulent ratatouille, accompanied by another glass of the Cabernet Sauvignon for me.