Cold North Easterly

Jackie drove me to Birchfield Dental Practice for a mid-day hygienist appointment which went smoothly.

We then lunched at Camellia’s Restaurant at Everton Nursery and continued on a forest drive.

The North Easterly wind ensured that despite the complete grey cloud cover the temperature was considerably colder than normal so close to the Spring equinox.

Maybe that is why there were less pheasants than usual trotting along the side tracks and verges of Sowley Lane.

A bay pony shared a pool along St. Leonard’s Road with a skittish

wagtail, while another mare chose to investigate me;

others preferred to disrupt the traffic, while

woodsmoke drifted into our nostrils.

A donkey and foal rested above Hatchet Pond,

above which black headed gulls emulated Exocet missiles.

Jackie photographed perched cormorants

and preening swans,

one hiding on her nest – can you spot the mallard?

This evening we dined on smoked haddock cheddar and leek centred fish cakes, cauliflower cheese, boiled new potatoes, carrots, and spinach with which I finished the Vega Spanish red wine.