Harbingers Of Spring 2025

When the heavy rain and stormy winds seen as the precursor of storm Eowen made way for a sunny afternoon I rambled around the garden perusing plants in search of signs of Spring.

Those I pictured bear their titles in this gallery.

I spent the rest of the afternoon learning more about ‘The Brontës’.

This evening we dined on tempura prawns and spring rolls on Jackie’s colourful savoury rice; and tender runner beans, with which I finished the merlot.

A Virtual Tour

There follows the missing post from

15th January 2019

We will be without internet until the faulty router is repaired. This is because the loaned device does not work. Now that I know that EE was bought by BT in 2016, I understand why their customer care is on a par with that of their new owner. Their equipment failed. They would repair it free of charge but not replace it without payment. Yet they still take my monthly subscription. I am stuck with them because they are the only feasible service to our location. And I don’t have the energy to waste on battling with them.

Elizabeth visited bearing flowers and chocolates. She stayed for lunch before setting off to West End to accompany Mum to an eye appointment at Southampton Hospital.

Whilst I slumped comfortably in my customary corner

Jackie took a trip round the garden

and brought me back a photographic record. Titles of the pictures in the gallery, which can be accessed by clicking on any image, will identify the plants on display. Many of these would not be expected in mid-January.

We dined on Jackie’s splendid chicken curry with brown savoury rice and vegetable samosas.