A north wind gusting at 25+ m.p.h. took the heat out of a gloriously sunny morning.
Early on there was a distinct, or should I say, indistinct, flurry of activity around the bird table, particularly as the parent starlings were feeding themselves for a change. These shots were taken through the window because I didn’t want to startle them.
The ring-necked dove had to wait its turn,
and spent some time admiring the poppy.
A blackbird preferred to contemplate the possibility of a frog for breakfast.
Now, it is all very well for me to introduce you to close-ups of our many garden plants, such as
this newly flowering rhododendron,
or this delicate iris
but that does not give much go an idea of what it is like to amble along our reclaimed paths. So, come along with me, down
The Head Gardener’s Path, which did not exist last year;
The Shady Path, so named because it was then completely devoid of sunshine,
and which, round the bend, leads to the chimney pot at Fiveways, where five paths merge.
This side path links The Shady Path with
The Pergola Path.
The other main thoroughfare is the Agriframes Arch Path.
Anyone who followed last year’s labours will know that there are more routes in the tour, which will be resumed in a day or two. The numerous solar lights in evidence illuminate a veritable fairyland at night.
After this I took a short walk up Hordle Lane where
blackberry blossom blooms,
and buttercups ramble among ragged robins.
We had two brief shopping trips, either side of ‘Bargain Hunt’. The first was to the pharmacy in Milford to collect a prescription; the second to Ferndene Farm Shop for three bags of compost and, of course, while we were there, half a dozen verbena plants. I am assured that we needed them, and who am I to argue?
This evening’s dinner comprised a pork rib rack marinaded in barbecue sauce; roasted peppers and onions, boiled rice, and green beans.(I refuse to use the abbreviated abomination BBQ, but you can tell it is getting to me when you know I almost typed barbeque). I drank more of the cabernet sauvignon, and Jackie drank Hoegaarden.