Catching Up On ‘A Knight’s Tale’

Today, another warm, overcast, and dull one, I made considerable headway on ‘A Knight’s Tale’, which had somewhat staggered to a halt.

In doing so, I plundered text and illustrations from postsĀ ‘Wimbledon College As I Knew It’; ‘Did You Mean The Off Break?’; ‘Latin Gave Me Up’; ‘Get Two’; and ‘No-one Forgets A Good Teacher’.

This evening we dined on a second sitting of Hordle Chinese Take Away fare with which I drank Chateau de Malle red Graves 2013. Jackie had drunk her Hoegaarden on the new arbour bench a little earlier.

Now is perhaps the time to mention chopsticks. The Culinary Queen finds it quite a painful experience to watch my prowess with these implements. She thinks I am a bit slow. I think I am rather skilled. She beat me to laying the table today, so I didn’t get any.