With a penultimate scanning session today ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ is almost closing for Charles Keeping’s exquisite illustrations
‘They descended the narrow steps which led into the crypt’. Was the old man here based on Alastair Sim, even though he never made a film about this novel? Here is the trailer for his Scrooge: https://youtu.be/WqbQYsjrDR4
‘Mr Swiveller took another pull at the tankard, and waited for her lead’
‘Kit suffered them to lead him off’
‘During this melancholy pause, the turnkey read his news-paper
‘The gentleman who was against him had to speak first’
‘The pony reared up on his hind legs’
Although the strong winds began somewhat to subside during the day, we were treated to frequent changes of light as sunny periods alternated with violent precipitation; dark clouds with blue skies.
After a shopping trip to Ferndene Farm Shop this afternoon we drove around the lanes for a while.
Sometimes we experienced the changes described above all together.

I only had to swivel on the spot in Thatchers Lane for a very few minutes to acquire these images.

On London Lane Jackie began backing up when coming nose to nose with a monster. Quick as a flash the very young man in the driving seat mounted the verge to allow her space to pass. The tractor’s rear wheels were higher than the Modus.

Most verges sport a proliferation of daffodils, like these on
Charles’s Lane.
This evening we reprised yesterday’s delicious steak pie meal with more of the same beverages.